HCA 13/70 f.285r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.285r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


true for that hee was and is the person who by the Owners aforesaid was
employed and entrusted in and about the management of the said ladeing
together with the said Isbrant Rodenburch whose transactions therein hee
was very well and particularly acquainted withall upon the occasion aforesaid
And further hee cannot depose./

To the third article hees aith and deposeth, That hee this deponent and Company
being at Souters aforeaid and the Island Saint Martin neere Rochell upon the
Voiage in Controversy in or about the moneths of January and ffebruary last
past did there buy and lade in and aboard the said shipp the Scaep for their
owne respctive accompts twenty six hogsheads of Vinegar three hogsheads of
wine one hogshead of brandewine and a quantity of wallnutts to be transpor=
ted for their said accompt to Edam aforesaid, the same being the proceed of
some cheese, tarre, and other goods which were caarried in the said shipp from
Edam to ffrance and there sold by this deponent and Companie. The premisses hee
well knoweth to be true being Master of the said shipp the whole Voiage in
Controversy and thereby well knowing the interest and propriety of himself and
Company in the goods now by him deposed of. And further cannot depose./

To the 4th article hee saith, That the said Vessell the Scaep or Mutton in her passage
from Rochell towards Edam aforesaid being the place for which shee and her said
lading were designed meeting with very badd and misty weather did upon the 14th
day of february last past new style come to an anchor Under the Command
of Port Land Castle, and there this deponent payd the dueties of fight money and
anchorage, and did ride there a night and a day, and upon the second night of
her so rising there a private man of warr whereof one Cotterell was
Commander came in the night and surprized and seized the said shipp and goods
without any the least enquiry from whence they were or whither bound, but
using this deponent and Company in a very barbarous and inhumane manner they
cutt the Cable whereby the said shipp did ride and rann away with her and
her goods setting this deponent and his shipps did ride and rann away with her and
her goods setting this deponent and his shipps Carpenter ashoare at Weymouth
where this deponent being had intelligence that his said shipp was brought to
Studland bay neere Poole, and thereupom this deponent and his Contest went to
Poole, and there tooke boate and went aboard his shipp, And there found and
observed that the same was plundered of all and singular the goods and
necessaries ensueing by the said Cotterell and Companys videlicet If about
fifty tonns of salt, but of what valew this deponent cannot estimate, as also of
the valew of fortie fower pounds sterling in Rixdollers, ducatoons, pistolls
and double styvers belonging to this deponent plundered and taken out of this
deponents Chest, one new mayne topsayle worth one hundred and fourty gelders
Dutch or fourteen pounds sterling money, one hawser worth about 16 li
sterling one maine saile worth sixtie gilders or 6, pounds sterling, one foresaile
bonnett worth 7: li sterling, one port saile or saile to shoote ballast over
worth .12. shillings, two barrells of butter worth foure pounds, two
rowles of sayle cloath worth one pound, all the said shipps provision
really worth six pounds and upqards, a paire of Compasses worth foure
shillings at the least, this deponents linnen and woolen cloathes to the full