HCA 13/70 f.271v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.271v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the said place were according to publique and credible voice and faire reputed to
bee the proper adventure and interest of the allate Gonsalo de Gamboa
dyalo, and were there upon that account discharged and disposed of. And
saith the said shipp or vessell the Nostra Seniora de Rosario at such her
arrivall was generally taken notice of knowne and reputed amongst Merchants
and mariners in those parts to bee a shipp built originally in the parts
of Guiney, and belonging to the allate Gonsalo de Gamboa dyalo
And saith, That hee this deponent then observing and seeing the discharge of the
said Negroe's, and by his observation of the burthen of the said shipp
beleeveth That about 300 Negroes were there landed out of the said
shipp for the accompt aforesaid And further cannot depose/

To the third and fourth article sof the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this
deponent sawe and observed that in or about the moneths of May or
June in the yeare 1650 last past hee this deponent then being at Bahia aforesaid
saw and observed that about seaventie foure Chests of white and muscavadoe
sugar marked with the first marke in the margent were then and there


laden aboard the said shipp Nostra Seignora for the accompt and upon the
adventure and helping to marke severall of the said chests, as being thereunto
required by John de Carvaillo factor of the said Gonsalo de Gamboa
hee further saith that at or about the time aforesaid hee this deponent
saw and observed that foure Chests of sugars sould by Peter Mar[?XXX]
Contractador Generall for the king of Portugall in those parts to and for the accompt of the said Gonsalo
marked with the second marke in the margent, And that hee then also


saw five chests of Tobacco laden aboard the said shipp for the accompt
aforesaid, but how marked or numbred hee remembreth not, The premisses
this deponent saith hee tooke especiall notice of being then a Merchant at
the said place of Bahia, and requested by the said Carvaillo to take notice of
the lading of the goods predeposed for the accompt aforesaid. And further
cannot depose./

To the 5th hee saith, hee doth not know nor remember any thing as t the
24. chests of sugar arlate further or otherwise then hee hath predeposed.

To the 6th hee saith That it was and is publique and notorious that the
said shipp and goods on their Course from Bahia for Lisbone were
taken and seized by an Englishman of warr and brought into England
And further hee cannot depose/

To the 7th hee saith, That hee doeth not personally knowe the allate Mathew
and Barbara de Gamboa, but well knoweth the house where the
said Gonsalo was brought up, and where those that are in Lisbone generally
reputed his kindred did and doe inhabitt, and hath seene and taken
notice of some of his kindred, allies ans servants that were in mourning
upon the occasion of the said Gonsalvoes death./

To the last