HCA 13/70 f.271r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 271 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/09 |
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and perused he deposeth and saith That he the deponent
was Chirurgeons=Mate aboard the shipp the Constant
which was sett out and imployed as a private man of
warr by the allegate Captaine Phillips, And that
he the deponent was present and aboard her at her
taking and seizure of the severall prizes hereafter
mentioned videlicet a hoye laden with herrings, a shipp
called the Joseph laden with salt, prunes, vinegar and
other goods, a shipp called the Concord laden with
Bahia sugars, shewmack and other goods, a shipp
called the Dolphin loaden with pitch and rossin, a
shipp called the Winter king loaden with Rye, a shipp
called the Iland of [?Wearing] loaden with rozin
skinns and other Merchandizes of a great value, a hoye
called the hope laden with Corne and a vessell called the
fflowerpott loaden with pewter and nayles, And
that all the sayd prizes were of this deponents knowledge
(who went in the allegate shipp the Constant
out of this River of Thames, and returned thither after
her seizure of the sayd prizes, which was about eight
monthes time) brought into Portsmouth and there
delivered unto, and made sale of by the allegate Captaine
Philipps, And that all the persons named in the
schedule allegate were of the said Constants Company
at the time she was out at sea upon the said
Philipps his employment, but that he knoweth not
who particularly was at the taking of each particular
prize because that some were employed in bringing
to Ports=mouth a prize, when in the interim another
prize was taken, and soe others sent away with the
latter prize to Portsmouth And further he cannot
depose saving that the said Captaine Philipps did
promise before the Governor of Portsmouth to pay
the said shipp the Constant her Company their thirds
outt of all the aforementioned prizes.
Repeated before Doctor Clerke.
Thomas Greene [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 27th of February 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of the heires of [?G]onsalo de Gamboa dyalo}
for sugars and tobacco in the shipp Nostra Seignora de}
Rosario. Suckley. Budd}
Examined upon an Allegation on the
behalf of the said producents./
Diego Fernandez Blanco of Lisbone in Portugall
Merchant aged 44. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse
sworne and examined deposeth as followeth/
To the first and second articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth,
That in the yeare 1649. last past hee this deponent being at the Bahia in
Brazile saw and observed the arrivall of the shipp or Vessell allate
called the Nostra Seignora de Rosario laden with Negroes, which at
(the said