HCA 13/70 f.245v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.245v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th hee saith that the said shipp the Saint John Baptist
was taken and seized on or about the 18th of March last past
And otherwise hee referreth himselfe to the date of the articles
of peace arlate.

To the 6th hee saith that the company of and belonging to the
said shipp the Saint John Baptist at the time of her seizure
were forraigners and strangers all except one boy, who said
hee was borne at dover, and yet hee alsoe was (as this deponent
remembreth him to have then affirmed) of dutch parents. And
otherwise hee cannot depose, saving that most of the said company
confessed themselves to be hollanders.

To the seaventh hee saith that it is usuall and requisite for
English men and subiects of this Commonwealth before any shipp
belonging to them be sett out to sea, to enter into bond that
the gunns belonging to the said shipp shall not be sold or
disposed of to any forrainers.

To the eighth hee saith hee conceiveth it very unlawfull and
unfitt in time of warr at Sea betweene England and a
forraigne nation, for any English shipp to be committed to the command
or charge of any stranger, much lesse any subiect of that
nation that wageth warr with England. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee speaketh only English, and otherwise
negatively saving as aforesaid.

To the second hee cometh required by major Sedgwick to be
a witnesse in this cause, and saith hee conceiveth the said shipp
and goods to be good prize to this nation, and therefore hee should
soe adjudge them, if hee were Judge in that behalfe; And saith
that major Sedgwick Captaine harrison Captaine Martin and this deponent
were of the said Counsell; who els were present besides the master and company [?examined] hee saith
hee remembreth not.

To the third hee saith the Black Raven was a dutch built shipp
and that the master of the John Baptist acknowledged that hee
tooke the said fleete to bee dutch, And otherwise hee referreth
himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the fourth hee saith the said shipp Saint John Baptist and lading
were carried to Boston in New England, where hee beleeveth
the said lading was disposed of, but hee did not see the disposall
thereof. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 5th hee saith hee neither knew nor heard word of any such matter as is [?XXX],
but hee saith it is a signe there were buyers enough
of the said goods, for hee heard that one bought some of them soe [?XXX]
that hee was faine to give money to boote to be ridd of them; and