HCA 13/70 f.245r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.245r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The last of ffebruary 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the}
Saint John Baptist aforesaid}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.

Captaine Robert ffenn Commander of the shipp
the Augustin in the service of this Commonwealth
aged 41 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article hee saith that the shipp the Saint John Baptist was
and is a dutch built shipp which hee knoweth by her make
and fashion, it being as hee saith easie to Seamen to knowe dutch
building from the building of other countries, And as hee this
deponent heard some of the company of the Black Raven affirme that
they of the Saint John Baptist upon her haling, said that shee was
of Amsterdam. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that the arlate
Major Sedgewick (after the Saint John Baptist had submitted) called
a Councell of Warr aboard the Black Raven, one of the shipps
of the ffleete then under his command in the immediate service of
this Commonwealth, at which Councell this deponent was present
(being commander of the Augustin) another of the shipps of
the said fleete) and then and there this deponent heard the master
and some of his companie that were examined by an Interpreter
affirme that their said shipp the John Baptist belonged to dantzike
and by and by upon further examination they went off from that
affirmation, and said shee belonged to London, and was bought
at dover, and that shee was consigned and going for London
with her lading, or to the same effect; but being demanded to
showe some bills or letters or other documents whereby it might
appeare that they belonged or were bound for London, or that any Englishman
or Subiect of this Commonwealth had any interest in her or
her lading, the said master instead thereof showd bills for
hamborough, but could not nor did showe or produce any to make
appeare that hee was bound for England, or that the shipp in any of
her lading belonged to England or to any subiect of this Commonwealth
At all which this deponent was present, and being one of the said
Counsell, and soe the said master and company soe differeing in their
tale and the shipp being dutch, and a dutch master and company
and having ffrench wines aboard which were prohibited to be imported
into England and from other circumstance, the said Councell tooke the
said shipp to be clearly dutch and with her lading to be belonging to the subiects of the States of the
United Netherlands, and therefore tooke them alonge with them as
prize. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith that the lading of the said shipp the John
Baptist consisting in wine, Resin and feathers was of the growth
and make of ffrance, and came from Bayon in the dominion of
the ffranch kinge, and for such they were commonly reputed, And
otherwise hee cannot depose.
