HCA 13/70 f.221r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 221 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/09/08 |
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To the 5th hee saith, being first advertized of the danger of perjury, That
hee deth not know neither did hee ever heare of any tickett or ticketts
sett up as is interrate, nor of the removall thereof, or altering of place or
places for the sale of the goods in question./
To the 6th hee saith That before the seizure of the said shipp Saint John
Baptist and her lading, the said Major Sedgwick and the rest of the fleet,
in Companie with him seized a Swedish Vessell laden with salt, which they
caused to keepe Company with them till a Councell of warr for the examination
of their Master and companie was called, which being so called, they dismissed
the said Swedish Vessell, and carried the Saint John Baptist along with them,
as being by the said Councell of warr concluded to be a lawfull Prize, and
for no other respect or consideration so farr as this deponent ever heard, or
beleeveth, nor did any of the said fleet oppose the carryeing away thereof,
And saith that they were at the time of the said seizure about fourescore
leagues off of the Lands end interrate, And further otherwise then negatively
hee cannot depose./
Repeated before doctor Clarke:-
Robert Marttin [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 2. day of ffebruary .1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]
William Wheateley and Companie Imployers of the}
Constant Mary whereof Allan Covell is Captaine}
against the shipp called the Thomas of Brest, (whereof}
Andrew Browne is Master) and her lading lately taken}
by the said shipp Constant Mary. Cheeke}
Examined upon an Allegation
given and admitted on the
behalfe of the
said Wheateley and Companie.
Rp. jus/
William Sadlington of Penryn in
Cornewall Gentleman aged 36 yeares or there=
abouts a Wittnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth./
To the second article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That
hee hath knowne the shipp the Thomas arlate for about five or 6 monethes
last past, and that during the time of such this deponents knowledge of
the said shipp, shee hath belonged to the Port of Brest in ffrance,
and that the arlate Thomas Griffin an Irishman living at Brest, was
and is one of the Proprietors of the said shipp, and so commonly accompted
and reputed, which this deponent knoweth, having lately resided in Brest and
thereby having acquaintance with the said Thomas Griffin, and having
heard him in discourse acknowledge that hee and some others living in
ffrance were the Owners and Proprietors of the said shipp. And further
to this article hee cannot depose./
To the third article hee saith, that the arlate Thomas Barnewell was and is
commonly accompted an inhabitant at Nantes in ffrance, and that the said
Thomas Griffin dwelleth and resideth at Brest in ffrance, and is a part
Owner in and of severall friggats or men of warr which are sett forth
from thence by and with Commissions from the duke of Yorke arlate
for the taking and subdueing of the shipps and Vessells of this