HCA 13/70 f.220v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 220 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/11/25 |
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To the 6th hee saith, That the Master and Companie belonging to the said
shipp Saint John Baptist at the time of her said seizure were all
fforeigners and strangers saving one English boy, and saith hee beleeveth
they were all, the said boy excepted, Netherlanders and Subjects of the
States of the United Netherlands, Which hee deposeth being as
aforesaid present at the said seizure and [?examinated] And further cannot depose./
To the 4th hee saith this deponent hath heard and beleeveth, That it is
usuall and requisite by Law, that Englishmen subjects of this Commonwealth
before they sett any their Vessell or Vessells to Sea enter into bond that
the Gunns thereto belonging shall not be sold or disposed of to strangers
And otherwise referring himselfe to the Law iin that case provided
hee saith hee cannot further depose./
To the 8th hee saith, it is unusuall, so farr as this deponent hath ever observed
for any English man or men that are Subjects of this Commonwealth
when generall Reprizalls are granted, and open warr at Sea is made
between this Nation, and any other fforeigne State, to committ the trust
charge or possession of English shipps or goods to a forreigner of such
a State then in hostility with this Commonwealth, And otherwise
referring himselfe to the Lawes and Customes of this Commonwealth
in that particular made and observed, hee saith hee cannot depose
To the last hee saith his foregoeingd eposition is true./
To the Crosse Interrogatories:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, that hee this rendent was Captaine and
Commander of the shipp the hope, which was one of the fleet present,
at the seizure in question, and expecteth in case the shipp the Saint
John Baptist and lading be adjudged Prize, and saith hee can well under-
stand most of the low Countrey language, and speake and understandeth
his native English, and a little Spanish./
To the 2d hee saith hee cometh to be a Wittnes in this Cause by the
procurement of Major Robert Sedgwicke in the behalfe of his highness
the Lord Protector and saith hee doeth not otherwise endeavour to make
Prize of the shipp and goods in question, then by declaring the trueth of
his knowledge, and would if it were in his power judge therein according to
his Conscience, and saith hee was one of the Councill of Warr interrate
there being then alsoe assistant in the said Councill Captaine John Leverett
Captaine Robert ffenn, Captaine Marke harrison and the said Major
Sedwicke, who joyntly concluded the said shipp and lading to be a lawfull
To the 3. hee saith, hee did not heare what language was used by those of
the shipp Black Raven, at the first haling of the said shipp the Saint John
Baptist, and that the said Black Raven was and is a dutch built shipp, And
further referring himself to his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./
To the 4th hee saith, hee knoweth not what quantity of goods was in the said
shipp the Saint John Baptist at the time of her said seizure, but saith they were
sould at Boston in New England, but that hee this rendent bought no
part thereof, nor knoweth or hath heard for how much they were sould
nor who bought them, And further knoweth not nor can hee depose
To the 5th