HCA 13/70 f.149r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.149r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Cadiz to be transported and delivered as aforesaid, wherein and whereby this deponent
procured and caused an Assurance of 400 li sterling to be made upon the said Bollarts
plate and moneys in the said shipp Sampson, and 400 li sterling in the said shipp
Salvador, and 400 li sterling in the said shipp Saint George, All which assurances
this deponent caused and procured to be made - and duely drawne as aforesaid,
And to be subscribed upon the 29th day of the said moneth of October 1652. by
Nicholas Skinner, James Stainier for and in the name of James Johnson
Peter Bultel and others Merchants residing in England, And saith That
hee this deponent did thereupon satisfie unto the said Assurers their severall
premiums after the rate of 10 li per Cent and did Charge the same
by bill or bills of Exchange upon the said John Bollart, who accordingly
payd the said bills, And further hee cannot depose, saving that the
said Assurances and policies drawne thereupon and all the transactions
for and concerning the same were and are reall and true, Which hee
knoweth and deposeth being the person who did act and negotiate the same
from the first to the last, and thereby hath an absolute and assured knowledge

To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producents./:-

To the Crosse Interrogatories:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith, That hee this rendent is an Englishman borne in
this Citie of London, where hee hath lived and had his fized relation
and residence since this rendents infancie. And otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith hee is a Merchant by profession, and saith hee this
rendent was once at Lubeck about seven yeares since as hee remembreth and
remained there one day or two, and saith this rendent in his passage from
thence to London came to Amsterdam and there remained about a fortnight
but never saw the shipp Sampson interrate at either of those places./.

To the 3d and 4th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof.

To 5th negatively, sayeing hee never saw the person or shipp interrate at Lubeck

To the 6th hee saith, this rendent hath knowne the interrate Otto George
onely since hee was last brought into England with his shipp Sampson, and saith
the said Otto was generally reputed an Easterling borne, and that according
to common report hee died a married man, and had his family and relation
at Lubeck or hamborough, att and before his death./

To the 7: and 8th hee saith hee hath not deposed to the articles interrate

To the 9th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof:-/

To the 10th hee hath not so deposed./

To the 11th negatively.

To the 12. negatively, and saith hee never saw the shipp the Golden Sunn

To the 13th hee answereth and saith by Vertue of his Oath, That hee this
rendent never had any such intelligence or notice as is interrate, neither had hee ever
any direction save onely by the letter predeposed from Antwerp to make or cause