HCA 13/70 f.148v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.148v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 10th hee saith, That the Channell of England where the shipps
interrate were seized is as free and open if wind and weather permit
for shipps that are so designed to saile in a direct Course for Amsterdam
as for Ostend or dunquirke:/

To the 11th hee saith, hee this rendent was Master of and aboard the shipp Saint George
at the time of the seizure interrate:/

To the 12th hee saith hee was at Cadiz in the moneth of July 1652. interrate
but was not in all that yeare at dunquirke, and saith hee
last saw the shipp the Goulden Sunn interrate lying at Cadiz in or about the
moneth of ffebruary in the said yeare .1652. new stile/

To the last hee saith, hee this rendent had no such notice or intelligence as
is interrate, nor any writing r direction about assurance, And saith hee [?does]
not in Conscience know nor can hee declare that any of the silver interrate
did belong to any of the States Generall or their Subjects interrate. And
further cannot depose./

Repeated before doctor Clarke./.



The 9th day of december :1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

[CROSSED OUT TEXT: The Protector against the Sampson Otto George}
Master Budd. ffrancklin Smith}]

Examined upon the said Allegation:-/


Giles Vandeputt of the parish of Saint Martins
Orgers in the City of London Merchant aged 32
yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined

To the 14th article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That upon the
24th or 25th or [?26th] of October in the yeare 1652. last past, hee this deponent [?received]
letters of advice from John Bollart a Marchant and
Burgher of Antwerpe, wherein and whereby the
said John Bollart did intimate and signifie unto this deponent That hee the
said Bollart vby his factors and Correspondents at Cadiz in Spaine had [?sent]
severall quantities of silver and plate to bee laden and putt aboard the shipp
the Sampson arlate Otto George Master the shipp the Salvador, Christian
Cloppenburgh Master, and the shipp the Saint George, John Martens [?dorp ?Mastert]
for and upon the accompt and adventure of the said John Bollart to be
transported in the said shipps respectively from Cadiz to Ostend,
and there to be discharged and delivered for the said accompt, [?And GUTTER]
saith That in and by the said letter of advice the said John Bollart did [?desire]
this deponent to procure and Cause ensurances to be made here at London for
and upon the said silver to be transported in the said shipps respectively from
Cadiz to Ostend, whereupon this deponent upon the 28th of the said moneth
of October 1652 did cause three severall pollicies to be duely drawne [?att]
the Assurance office London for and concerning the ensurance of the said
Bollarts moneys and plate laden aboard the said three shipps [?att]