HCA 13/70 f.135r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 135 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/17 |
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To the 7th hee saith, hee well knoweth That the arlate shipp the Sampson being
full built and every way compleated at Lubeck as aforesaid in the yeare
1646. the said shipp in the yeare 1647. next ensueing and not before sett saile
from thence, but whether shee were at Amsterdam or any other port or place in holland
in the space of three yeares next preceeding the moneth of November 1652
last past this deponent knoweth not The premisses hee deposeth upon the grounds
before by him expressed. And further cannot depose./
To the 8th article hee saith, That the said shipp the Sampson in the yeare 1652
arlate, and from the time of her building as is predeposed and to this present hath
been well knowne and commonly and generally reputed to belong to Lubeck as aforesaid
and that part of her Owners live there, and part at Sevill and other parts
in Spaine, and saith that hee this deponent hath never heard or understood, neither
doeth hee in Conscience beleeve that the said shipp belongeth, or was or is justly
reputed to be belonging to Amsterdam or to have any of her Owners there liveing
or inhabiting, or to be bound thither or to any place in obedience to the States
of the United Netehrlands, upon her last Voyage wherein shee was surprized
and taken. The premisses hee deposeth upon the reasons predeposed. And further
cannot depose./
To the 9th hee saith, That the arlate Peter Eleson was and is a person of
low rancke and quality, and for such commonly accompted, and that it is a
thing seldome or never heard of That a person of such meane condition should
be part Owner of a shipp of so great importance as the said shipp Sampson is, such
Owners whereof are generally esteemed Merchants and persons of good and eminent
quality, which as hee saith, doe not use to admitt poore and inconsidearble persons
to have copartnershipp with them in shipps of such concernement. Which hee
knoweth being as aforesaid, a Lubecker Burgher and Mariner and having himself been
Master and Commander of sewerall good shipps, and thereby well acquainted with the
usuall transactions of Merchants in the matter of Consortshipp in such shipps.
And further cannot depose, saving hee well knoweth the sayd Elesons condition to be as predeposed by his long acquaintance
with him the said Eleson upon severall occasions of this deponent being at Amsterdam/.
To the 10. 11. 12. 13. and 14: hee saith hee cannot depose.
To the last hee saith heis foregoeing deposition is true./
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith, hee this deponent is a Native of Lubeck, and hath had his
constant residence there from his infancy, And saith hee hath not neither
ever had any part or share in the shipp interrate, nor had or hath any relation
of kindred to the Owners of her as to Otto George interrate:-/
To the second hee saith hee is by profession a Mariner and hath bin twice at
Amsterdam within theise seaven yeares, and for the first of these times did
remaine there about a moneth, and the last about 6. weekes, and in the time
of 7. yeares hath not seene the said shipp at either of the palces interrate,
And further cannot depose saving his foregoeing deposition./
To the third hee saith that the name of the shipwright which built the
shipp the Sampson interrate was Jurian Steeckman who was a Burger of
Lubeck and an inhabitant there, And further otherwise then