HCA 13/70 f.134v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 134 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/08/17 |
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Lubeck aforesaid, Which the premisses this deponent knoweth and deposeth for
and upon the reasons predeposed, and for that hee hath, since the surprizall and
bringing up of the said shipp into the river of Thames, sewerall times seene and
diligently observed the fashion and forme thereof, and by such his observation
well knoweth her to bee one and the same shipp that in the yeares aforesaid was so [?XXX GUTTER]
built at Lubeck as is predeposed. And further to these articles hee cannot depose
To the 4th article hee saith and deposeth, That the said shipp the Sampson
ever since shee was built as aforesaid hath continually belonged to Lubeck,
and hath bin alwaies observed and taken notice of as a shipp to that place
belonging, and hath till the time of her late seizure by the English been
constantly under the Conduct and Command of the arlate Otto George
the late Captaine and Commander thereof, who was a Burgher of Lubeck
and had his constant residence and habitation there for about 12. yeares
before his death, and for so long time this deponent hath very well knowne and
was familiarly acquainted with the said Otto George, hee further saith that,
since the building of the said shipp Sampson as aforesaid shee hath never been
accompted or reputed to belong to Amsterdam or to any other Port or place
person or persons in obedience to the States of the United Netherlands, Which
the premisses hee knowingly deposeth and affirmeth upon the ground of
knowledge predeposed And further cannot depose./
To the 5th here saith, That it is publique and notorious, That about a yeare
since the arlate Otto George being sick and indisposed departed from this
city of London and went to Lubeck where hee afterwards died, and was buried
there as a Citizen of that place, and so much hath bin certified to sewerall
Merchants dwelling here in London by letters from their Correspondents at
Lubeck, hamborough and other places in Germanie, and so much this deponent
hath been assured by some persons that saw and were present at the buriall of
the said Otto George And further cannot depose:-/
To the 6th hee saith, That hee this deponent well knoweth the arlate Peter
Elleson, (who kept an Ordinarie at the golden posthorne upon the Sea dike
at Amsterdam) and saith That in the yeare 1647. last past and monethes
therein respectively concerning the said Peter Ellerson was and till this
present is a Broker for hamborough and Lubeck Skippers and that in
such his quality of Broker hee was upon occasion employed by some of the said [?XXX GUTTER]
of hamburgh and Lubeck, and for such a person the
said Elleson was and is accompted, But saith hee knoweth not what
correspondence passed between the said Elleson and the said Otto George
and beleeveth not neither ever heard that the said Elleson ever had or
hath any part or interest in the said shipp Sampson, or that the said Otto
George ever made any accompt of or concerning the said shipp to the said
Elleson in that quality of part Owners of the said shipp. And further to
this article hee cannot depose:-/