HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.8v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.8v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 17. 18 and 19th hee saith hee cannot answer thereunto nor
knoweth ought thereof, and saving that the silver aforesaid in question
in this cause was and is the proceede of the said goods sent in the
shipps mentioned in the list left by him as aforesaid and mentioned in
his deposition to the 15th article.

To the 20th hee saith that the said producent hath assured to the valew
of 2750 pounds fflemish on his said silver in the said three shipps
which assurance hee made at Antwerp, and that John Shaw an
English merchant there dwelling, John Baptista Schot, Jaques [?Guiot]
Jacques Douglas Schot, Peter fforment]. Godfrey von [?kirkhovin]
Peter [?Swisart]. Nicholas vander Borcht, Jaques [?dounis]
Christian Aalst, Nicholas Muyt[?ins] Jaques Bollart and ffrancis
Skinnart the younger, all Antwerpians and well knowne unto him
this deponent, and all subiects of the kinge of Spaine (saving
the said Shaw who is an Englishman but hath lived longe in Antwerp)
were and are the Assurers, and that noe hollander or ffrenchman
or subiect of the States of the United Netherlands or ffrench king were
(or are any of the Assurers.

To the 21th hee cannot answer.

To the 22th and 23th hee saith that the said eleaven first bills of lading being
those that were sent over land as aforesaid to the producent to Antwerp
were [?there] by this deponent by order of the said producent delivered to
his contest Adrian Val[?solio] in the beginning of december last
at which time hee the said Adrian came for London about looking
after other plate laden for his master Mr Boschaert, to the end
to furnish this deponents claime for the said silver in question
in this cause, and for the twelveth bill of lading soe sent over land (the contents whereof hee saith
are expressed in the 12th schedule annexed) hee saith hee beleeveth
the same is lost or miscarried by some mischance. And otherwise
saving his foregoing deposition hee cannot depose.


Repeated before doctor Exton

francisco Boesdonck [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]



Peter ffourment

"Daniel Fourment, a silk trader and Rubens's father-in-law"[1]

"Thus in 1644-45 the Antwerp trading partners Peter Fourment and Peter van Hecke the Younger demanded various sets of tapestries from Brussels weavers..."[2]

Peter Fourment art collection, Antwerp[3]

"...in 1633 waren er mindestens 62 zijdehandelaars te Antwerpen nedrijvig [fn.95]; [fn.95= In naam van deze 62 kooplieden traden op Daniël Fourment de oude, Jacques van Eyck, Peter Fourment, Nicolas Picqueri, Carlo Batkin en Hendrik Moens (PK 1015, "remonstrance voor kooplieden van Antwerpen aan de tresorier generaal en commis van Finantie")][4]

"...de firma Daniel Fourment-Peter van Hecke, die tot 1615 een kapitaal van minstens £70.000 aanwendde..."[5]

de Schot family of Antwerpen

"Frans de Schot"[6]

"Franchoys de Schot"[7]

See Jesse Stadler (2013) for extensive discussion of Hans Schot (b.?, d.1597), eldest son of Jacques Schot, who originated in Antwerpen[8]

Nicholas vander Borcht

There was an Antwerp painter named Peeter van der Borcht (b.ca.1545, d.1608)

There is a Vandycke painting of Admiral [Nicholas] van der Borcht[9]

"Hij behartigde aldaar niet enkel zijn eigen zaken, maar trad tevens op voor verschillende Antwerpse kooplieded: Herman Cornelissen, wed. Nic. van der Borcht, Ignatio Carena, Franc. Boesdonck, Jacques Pinquett, Dionisio van der Vorst, Alsonso Palma Carillo,..."[10]

See as background: " Cession by Arnoldo van Horenbeecq to Jehan Casiers and Dionisio Van der Vorst of all debts to the company between Jacques Coomans and Franchoys De Smet in Antwerp and Estienne Coppin in Paris, 26 August 1650, 1652." and " Copy of the current account by Jacomo Coomans to Etienne Coppin, 1647, 1654."[11]

"...Jaspar van Woensel en N. van der Borcht..."[12]

Nicolas Moytinx

"Le 28. dito, annoblissement à Nicolas Muytinx; à Anvers"[13]
  1. Jump up homas Thomas P. Campbell (ed.), Tapestry in the Baroque: Threads of Splendor (New Haven, London (2007), p.213
  2. Jump up homas Thomas P. Campbell (ed.), Tapestry in the Baroque: Threads of Splendor (New Haven, London (2007), p.213
  3. Jump up https://rkd.nl/nl/explore/images#filters[collectienaam]=Fourment%2C+Peter
  4. Jump up Roland Baetens, vol.I (1976), p.122
  5. Jump up Roland Baetens (1976), p.140
  6. Jump up Roland Baetens (1976), p.312
  7. Jump up Roland Baetens (1976), p.312
  8. Jump up Jesse Sadler, 'News as path to independence: Merchant correspondence and the exchange of news during the Dutch revolt' in Margaret C. Jacob, Catherine Secretan (eds.), In Praise of Ordinary People: Early Modern Britain and the Dutch Republic (New York, 2013), pp.71-80
  9. Jump up John Cassell, John Cassell's art treasures exhibition (London, 1858), p.156
  10. Jump up Roland Baetens (1976), p.170
  11. Jump up J.A.L. Velle Collection Antwerp: INVENTARIS: NEHA Bijzondere Collecties 471
  12. Jump up Roland Baetens (1976), p.265
  13. Jump up Les delices des Pais-Bas (Brusselle, 1711), p.461