HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.8r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/69 Silver 11 |
Folio | 8 |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 13/10/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_118_07_2895.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/10/13 |
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The 24th day of december 1653 [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of Paulus}
Cobrisse for his sylver}
in the Sampson}
Examined upon the sayd allegation
Robert Demetrius of London merchant servant and Cashier to his
precontest james Stanier of London merchant
aged 22. yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined deposeth and saith as followeth videlicet.
To the sayd allegation and severall Articles therein this deponent saith that
the arlate Paulus Cobrisse whom this deponent
knoweth by sight and so hath done about .11. monethes, and by fame and
letters of advise 7 yeares is a merchant and Inhabitant of Bridges
in fflanders and a fflandrian borne and so accounted, and for the sayd
seven yeares of this deponents knowledge hath traded and traffiques
to Cales and Saint Lucar and allso to the West Indies for plate and sylver
and hath within that tyme sent diverse great quantities of goods and
merchandizes thither from England and fflanders to be sold and bartered
for sylver, and hath had his Agents and Correspondents att Cadiz and
the Indies to make him returnes thereof in sylver great quantities
whereof have bene consigned to this Port of London for the producents
accompt. all which he knoweth being servant and Cashier to the sayd James
Stanier his precontest who for all the sayd tyme hath bene and is the Correspondent
of the sayd Paulus Cobrisse doeing his merchandizing busines here and
having from tyme to tyme seene and perused the letters of advise that
have passed to and fro betweene them the sayd Paulus Cobrisse and James
Stanier. and having the Custody of the great Leiger of the sayd James
Stanier wherein and whereby the premisses doe appeare which he saith is a booke of accompts fairly kept according to
the Custome of merchants by way of debitor and Creditor, And further
that he hath lately consulted the sayd Leiger booke upon the occasion, and
therein finds it entred to the effect following. videlicet That the sayd Paulus
Cobrisse is Creditor for the nett proceed of severall parcells of sylver sent
to the sayd James Stanier from Cadiz by Pedro Calvo for the sayd Creditors Account
as per Accounts of sales dated the 20.th October and 4 december Anno. 1648. amounting
to .5077 li. 12 s. 5 d. And that the sayd Paulus Cobrisse is debitor for severall
goods and merchandizes the manufacturers of this Nation sent from London to
the downes and there laded aboard the Sampson of Hamburgh Captaine Otto
George Commander bound for Cadiz consigned to Pedro Calvo by the sayd
Paulus Cobrisses Order and for his Accompt. videlicet. 28. September Anno .1648.
29 bales conteyning 790 pieces Norwich stuffes .28. pieces Colchester bayes
28 pieces Perpetuanaes 4 dozen of woosted stockins, first Cost Custome and
charges whereof amount to 2462 li. 1 s. 10 d. and more consigned as above
to Pedro Calvo 26. October Anno .1648. Laden aboard the Culpepper of London
John Thomas Captaine Laden in the River of Thames and bound for Cadiz
21 bales conteyning 211. peices Colchester Bayes. and 6 trunkes with stockins
amounting to 2477 li. 14. 8 d. and more 25. January 1649. consigned
as above in the shipps Confidence Captaine Thomas Crowder and in the
Maydenhead Captaine James Lutton bound for Cadiz, 35 bales conteyning
800 peices of Norwich stuffes and 30 peices of Colchester bayes amounting to
2222 li. 16 s. 7 d. All which goods amount in the whole to 7161 li. 13 s. 1 d.
And this deponent hath credibly heard that the sayd goods came safe first
to Cadiz and after that to the Indies, and that they were there converted
into plate for the producents Accompt, and that the sylver in this cause
Claymed was and is part of the proceed of the sayd English manufactures. And
further cannot depose, saving that being in the sayd yeares 164[?8]