HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.4v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.4v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


a subiect of the King of Spaine and so accounted and so is att
present, And was and is a Spanyard borne and so accounted and hath for
theis eight yeares last of the knowledge of this deponent used to trade for
sylver and plate betwixt Cadiz and fflanders having his Agents
factors and Correspondents in the sayd plates respectively for the
better mannagement of the said trade. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

Row dt.

To the first Interrogatory he saith he was a pasenger aboard the sayd ship the voyage
in question and came first aboard her in October 1652. as a Passenger and was
aboard her att the tyme of seizure.

To the second Interrogatory he saith he knoweth the sayd William Cornelison and so hath
done for .5. yeares past and he was severall tymes in the Company of this
Rendent and of the sayd Otto George whilest the sayd shipp lay att Cadiz
and saith he saw him aboard the sayd shipp as aforesayd. and beleiveth that
by William [Pomelir] interrate is meant and intended the sayd William Cornelison
and otherwise saving his foregoeing depositions negatively.

To the third Interrogatory he referreth himselfe to his foregoeing depositions
and otherwise negatively.

To the fowrth. he saith the sayd William Cornelison meant as he beleiveth in this
Interrogatorie by William Pomeliz is a fflandrian borne and for 5 yeares last
past of this deponents knowledge and many yeares more by repute hath
lived with his family att Cadiz and his house is in a little land there
called Espadas de las Comedas. and otherwise cannot depose saving
his foregoeing depositions.

To the fifth Interrogatory he saith the sayd sylver was laden in the day tyme
and receyved aboard by the sayd Peter Huckfell or Pedro dal Campo Vides
purser of the Sampson, and otherwise cannot depose.

To the .6tth Interrogatory he saith he was present and saw the sayd Peter Hackfell
signe the sayd bill of lading a ship board in the bay of Cadiz about the 14th dat
of August 1652.

To the 7 Interrogatory he saith that some bills of lading for sylver and moneys
laden by this deponent in person by and under the Colourable name of John
Baptista Ste[?mme] were found aboard the sayd shipp Sampson as he
beleiveth, and otherwise saving as aforesayd cannot depose.

To the 8th and 9. he saith the sayd Purser did enter the sayd sylver in
his booke with the marke thereof and names of the consignatories
agreeable to the sayd bills of lading. and saith he is sure the sayd sylver
was laden by the Lader in the sayd bills named to wit William Cornelison
aforesayd. and otherwise cannot depose.

To the .10. he saith he cannot depose saving as aforesayd.

To the .11. he saith he fully beleiveth that the sayd sylver belongeth to the
sayd producent onely. and that the sayd shipp was bound to Ostend
onely. and otherwise negatively to every part thereof.

To the .12. negatively for his part.

To the 13. and 14th and 15th Interrogatories he saith the sayd William Cornelison did
acquaint this Rendent that he had Order [?XX ?XX ?XXX] to send the sylver to fflanders and
knoweth that the sayd Cornelison had severall bills of exchange in his
hands for the producents use whereby the sayd sylver was as he
beleiveth procured. And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition he
cannot depose.

To the 16. he saith he was borne at dunkirke. and liveth att Cadiz
and in the Indies as a merchant as occasion offers and otherwise