HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.4r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.4r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


arlate John Alvarez and in his absence to the widdow and heires of Simon
Dias Vaez for his the sayd Simon da ffonseca Pynases use and accompt. And somuch
the sayd William Cornelison in this deponents presence and hearing declared att
the tyme of lading thereof. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the third Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that att the tyme of the
lading of the sayd barr of sylver att Cadiz as aforesayd, Peter Hucfelt or
Pedro del Campo the Purser of the sayd Otto George did in the behalfe of the
sayd Otto George and aboard the sayd shipp in the presence and sight of him
this deponent signe and subscribe three bills of lading for the same all
of one tenor whereby the premisses doe and may appeare; one of which bills of
lading was att the tyme of the signing the same att Cadiz delivered unto
the sayd Otto George his Purser to carry along with him in the sayd shipp and the other
two were leftwith the sayd William Cornelison. And saith that the bill
of lading for the sayd plate left with Otto George his purser as aforesayd being aboard
att the tyme of seizure was brought or sent into the Registry of this Court
(where this deponent hath seene the same upon a file) by them or some of
them that made the seizure and the samw was and is a true bill of lading
and really signed by the sayd Peter Huckfelt for the sayd plate aboard the
sayd shipp Samposn att Cadiz And otherwise cannot depose

To the fourth and fifth articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the bill
of lading to the sayd allegation annexed and now shewne to him this Examinat
was and is another of the sayd bills of lading which this deponent saw
signed for the sayd sylver att Cadiz as aforesayd and the same was and is
true and reall and was and is signed by Peter Huckfelt in the name
and by the name of the sayd Otto George or Ottavio Jorge. And saith he knoweth
that the samw was by the sayd William Cornelison of this deponents knowledge
sent in a letter by the post from Cadiz to the sayd John Alvarez into
Antwerpe and in case of his absence to the sayd widdow and heyres of Simon
Dias Vaez to whom the sayd sylver is consigned. And saith that he hath
credibly heard that the sayd John Alvarez received the same, and that he sent
the same to Sennor Henrique Mendez a merchant here att present
residing in Order to make the sayd Clayme, and somuch he this deponent
hath heard the sayd Sennor Mendez declare having seene the sayd bill
of lading in his hands here in London before the foresayd Clayme for
the sayd sylver was made in this Court. And otherwise cannot depose

To the sixth article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that after the sayd
sylver was laden and putt on board the sayd shipp the Sampson att Cadiz
aforesayd, the sayd shipp did depart therewith to Ostend and in her passage
thither was taken and surprized by some of the shipps of the Parliaments
ffleet and saith that att the tyme of the sayd seizure the sayd barr of sylver
was and remayned on board the sayd shipp and came into the hands and
possession of them who seized the same and knoweth the premisses to be true for that
he came a passenger aboard the sayd shipp from Cadiz and was in her
att the tyme of the sayd seizure. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the seventh article of the sayd allegation he referreth himselfe to his foregoeing
depositions and otherwise cannot depose

To the eighth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith he hath knowne the sayd Symon
da ffonseca Pyna for about 8 yeares now past during all which tyme of this
deponents certaine knowledge and for many yeares before by common repute
he the sayd Simon ffonseca Pyna hath bene an Inhabitant of Madrid and