HCA 13/68 f.9r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 9 |
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Brodie Waddell | |
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2015/07/09 |
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of September now last past and hath ever since detained the same which
he knoweth being master of the sayd shipp and aboard her during the sayd
voyage and tyme of seizure aforesaid / And otherwise cannot depose
To the third article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that soone after
the seizure of the sayd shipp the sayd White and Company did pillage and take
from this deponent eight rix dollars and three duckatts worth three pounds
three shillings sterling. And he hath credibly heard that the sayd White
and Company have allso pillaged and taken out of the sayd shipp seventeene
peices of sylver called the name of half Lewiss worth 2 shillings 6 pence a
peice sterling, and out of the Poores box seven Rix dollars worth 1 pound and 1 shilling
6 pence, and all this deponents Clothes, books, plate and sea Instraments
which were well worth thirty pounds, a new pennant worth 2 pounds
two musketts and one pistoll worth 1 pound 8 shillings, four new quiles of ropes
eight shillings, the shippes kettle worth two pounds a copper pott worth one pound
three hundred pound weight of powder worth fifteen pounds, all the
Gunnes Provisions worth three pounds, and from John Simonson one of the
Mariners of the sayd shipp three pounds nyne shillings and his Chest
and all the Companies Cloathes worth thirty pounds sterling And
otherwise he cannot depose
To the fourth article of the sayd Allegation this deponent saith that soone after the
sayd seizure the sayd White and Company did turne all the Companie
of the sayd shipp the St John on Shoare and plundered them of their Clothes
as aforesayd, saving what was on their backs, and gave them nothing
wherewith to helpe themselves nor made any provision for them. And
otherwise cannot depose.
To the fifth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that the
sayd Lord Possoe and others the Owners aftersayd were and are Inhabitants
of dantzyck and subjects of the King of Poland in Prussia and so
commonly accounted reputed and taken which he knoweth being an Inhabitant
of the same place. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the last he saith his depositions are true.
To the Crosse Interrogatories
To the 1 he saith he was produced a witnes in this cause by the advise of Master
Suckly one of the Proctors of this Court, and saith he hath two and thirtyeth
part of the sayd shipp; and came first aboard her att dantzyck and hath
belonged to her 2 yeares, hath bene Master of her one yeare and upwards
and hath knowne her nyne yeares.
To the 2nd he saith that the sayd shipp hath made two voyages since he belonged
to her, and the first voyage she so made was to Opsam neere Excester in
England whither she brought a burthen or lading of hempe flax wax
Clapboard Iron Steele and other Eastland goods for the Accompt of English
merchants one of whose names was Master Pitch and from hence returned back
to Dantzyck in her ballast and saith the second voyage she made was the
voyage now in question where she took in part of her lading att dantzick
and part att Rye and was bound for Callice with the sayd goods for the
Accompt of Master Le hays, Master Basshell, and Master de Paco merchants of Callice