HCA 13/68 f.422r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.422r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


necessaries of the value of 160 li and also the freight of the
merchants goods laden aboard the sayd shipp the voyage in question
amounting to 500 li sterling which was lost to the foresayd owners
and knoweth the premisses to be true being master of the sayd shipp
the voyage in question and saw all the sayd goods laden, and
knoweth that the same were lost to the rightfull owners thereof
by the meanes of the seizure hereafter declared, And otherwise
he cannot depose saving that the foresayd goods were all laden as
aforesayd to be in the sayd shipp transported from Riga to this Port
of London for the use and accompt aforesayd respectively.

To the 4th hee saith the sayd shipp the ffreindshipp was an able strong
and stanch shipp and was of the burthen of 300 tonnes or thereabouts
and having 14 gunnes, and was with her tackle furniture and
appurtenances being well provided of all necessaries well worth
the summe of 2200 li sterling and somuch would have yeelded in
this Port of London or elsewhere, and knoweth that 2100li
and upwards was really offered for her a little before the
voyage in question, and that the sayd Owners refused to selle
her att that rate. And further cannot depose.

To the 5th article of the sayd allegation he saith that the sayd shipp in her
Course for London with all her sayd ladingin her putt into the port of
Copenhagen under the Dominions of the King of Denmarke, and
there continued till September 1652 att which tyme she was with
the sayd goods in her stayed arrested or deteyned by the order of
the sayd King so as she could not depart home for England, and
that in the moneth of ffebruary 1652 then next followeing she
was with he sayd lading wholly and absolutely seized into the
hands and possession of the sayd King of Denmarke and by his
Ministers and his order and Authority, and that he this deponent
and his shipsp Company were in an hostile manner by armed men
commanded by the ministers of the sayd King absolutely turned out of
the sayd shipp and dispossest of the sayd goods whereby the same
were and are utterly lost to the true Owners thereof. And otherwise
cannot depose.

To the sixth article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that by reason of the premisses the foresayd Owners
over and above the dammages aforesaid making to .2832li. 5 s have
suffered dammage in losse of tyme and imployment of their sayd shipp for
15 monethes (att the rate of 80 li per moneth, the foresaid shipp being well
worth somuch per moneth to be lett) the summe of 1200 li sterling besides
the use of the foresaid freight amounting to .30. li sterling. And this deponent
and sayd Mariners besides the losses aforesaid have suffered severall
other dammages, that is to say in necessary expences and dyet att Copenhagen
and home for England 110 li sterling and this deponent Pilot
and three men more of his said shipps Company have suffered further
in losse of tyme 112 li. over and besides the losse
of the Improvement of their stock, which he saith he cannot
certainly value. And further cannot depose.

Edward Nix[?en] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]