HCA 13/68 f.421v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.421v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the .14. he saith the servant of the producent upon lading the sayd
woolls did acquaint this Rendent that he did lade the same for the sayd [?MXX]
accompt and risgoe./

To the 15. 16. 17. and 18. he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the 19. negatively.

To the 20th he saith he knoweth the sayd bills of lading now shewne him
to be the same he saw att Cadiz as aforesayd by the contents markes
and firmes thereof and further cannot depose.

To the 21th. he saith the sayd bills as he beleiveth were sent from Cadiz
to Antwerp by the post and from Gaspar Lorenzo of Antwerpe to this
Citty by the packet boat. and further cannot depose.

To the 22. he saith he was not present att the originall or first
delivery of the sayd bills of lading for which cause hee cannot further
depose than allready he hath deposed.


Sam Delaplace [SIGNATIRE, LH SIDE]

Repeated before Doctor Clarke}
and Doctor Godolphin.}

Ad P. R. M.


The 2d day of January 1653 [CENTRE HEADING]

On behalfe of Robert Elison}
and others, et cetera touching the Ostrich'}
Edward Nixon Master and goods seized by}
the King of Denmarke.

Examined upon the sayd allegation

Edward Nixon of Newcastle Mariner late Master
of the sayd shipp the ffreindshipp aged 33 yeares
or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined
deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet.

To the first article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that the arlate
Robert Elison Thomas Bonner, Ralph Roll and Company all
Inhabitants of Newcastle about 4 yeares now past built the sayd shipp
the ffreindshipp for their owne use att their owne charges and
that the sayd owners have ever since bene and now ought to bee
sole Owners thereof which he knoweth being himselfe of [?XX]
and Master of the sayd shipp the voyage wherein whse was seized
in manner hereafter sett forth. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the second article of the sayd allegation he saith that about the 19th daye of
May 1652 this deponent by order of his sayd Owners sayled his
sayd shipp from Newcastle on a voyage to Dantzyck and [?XXX]
for goods usually exported out of those parts for England, and
accordingly haveing taken Dantzyck in her course arrived with
the sayd shipp att Riga in June 1652. And that she departed
from Riga in August then next following and arrived in [?XXX]
moneth with her lading att Copenhagen. And otherwise cannot

To the third article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that he did in the
moneth of July 1652 buy and provide and lade aboard the sayd shipp [?for]
Riga for accompt of himselfe and his foresayd Owners 9 C of [?XXXX]
att 6 li per C amounting in all to 54 li stock and 30 wainscotts att [?XX]
a peice amounting to 37 li 10 s sterling and 20 C of pipe staves of the [?valew]
of 30 'i sterling and 4 deales and 36 Ash oares of the valew of [?XX]
pounds 145 s sterling And further that the tyme and place aforesayd this deponent
and mariners of the sayd shipp for accompt of themselves did lade and
putt on board the sayd shipp having first bought the same for the sayd accompt
att Riga. 6600 weight of flax worth [?XX] s per C, amounting to [?XX]
sterling And that the sayd goods were all lost by the seizure hereafter [?mentioned]
and were likewise this deponent and sayd Mariners Cloathes and