HCA 13/68 f.418v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 418 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0395.jpg | |
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Nga Phan-Bellis | |
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2015/07/22 |
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To the fourth Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in [?adXX]
upon the lading of the sayd barr of sylver the Purser of the sayd Otto
George in his behalfe did in the presence and sight of this deponent
aboard the sayd shipp signe and firme three bills of lading all of
one tenor for the same two whereof the sayd Frocato Millenes took
with him to Cadiz and left one of them with the sayd Purser who
firmed the same to come along with the sayd sylver. And otherwise
he cannot depose.
To the fifth article This deponent saith that the sayd shipp was bound for
Ostend and after she received the sayd barr of sylver on board her sett
sayle therewith towards Ostend. And saith it is notorious as he
beleiveth that the sayd shipp and her lading were seized upon the Coast
of England by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth and beleiveth
that the said barr of sylver was aboard her att the tyme of seizure
and came into the hands of the seizers together with the sayd
bill of lading for the same left to accompany it as aforesaid, which
bill of lading is since brought into the Registry of this Court where
this deponent hath seene the same this day upon a file, and the same
was and is true and was firmed att the foot thereof Ottavio Jorge
by the foresayd Purser by name Peter Huckfelt or Pedro del
Campovidio in this deponent's sight att Cadiz a ship board upon or
about the 26. day of September being the day of the date thereof.
And otherwise cannot depose.
To the sixth article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that after the
lading of the sayd barr of sylver the foresayd Frocato Millenes did
att his howse in Cadiz in the sight of this deponent write a letter
of advise unto the sayd Antonio Lopez Swaso of Antwerpe to whom
the sayd sylver was consigned signifying therein, that he the sayd
Frocato had laden the said barr of sylver for his owne accompt aboard
Otto George att Cadiz and consigned the same to him the said Swase
to the disposed of by him for the use and benefit of the said Frocato
and in the sayd letter one of the sayd bills of lading for the sayd
sylver, which letter this deponent read and saw the said bill of lading
putt therein, and seated and directed to the said Swaso att Antwerpe
to who the same was sent from Cadiz by the Landpost. And further
cannot depose.
To the seventh article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that he
knoweth well for the sayd reasons that the foresayd barr of sylver was
really and truly bought and laden for the proper use and accompt
of the said Frocato Millones and that he alone was to runn the sole
Hazard and Adventure thereof, and noe Dutchman subiect of the
States of the United Provinces or ffrenchman] subject of the French
King had or hath any right title or interest therein or any part
To the last he saith his deposition is true.
To the Cross Interrogatoryes [CENTRE HEADING]
To the 1. negatively
To the 2. 3. 4 and 5. he saith the sayd Frocato Milenes himselfe whose howse
is in the new street of Cadiz did in this Respondents sight in the day tyme
about noone deliver the said barr of sylver a shipboard of the Sampson to the
foresayd Purser in the presence of Otto George himselfe Master of the said shipp
otherwise saving his foregoeing depositions cannot depose.
Otto George
Frocato Millenes
Havio Jorge
Peter Hackfell or Pedro del Campovidio
Barr of sylver