HCA 13/68 f.418r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.418r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6 Article he saith that the foresayd Mariners by the said detention and seizure besides their
former losses have suffered losse in expenses and losse of tyme
to the value of 200 li sterling or thereabouts, and the said Elison Bonner
and Company by the said detention and seizure over and besides the
losses aforesaid have suffered further damage in want of the use of
their sayd shipp to the value of 80 li sterling per moneth besides the
want of improveing of their stock all which this deponent cannot
particularly sett forth. And otherwise cannot depose.

Emanuell Wilson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 30th day of december 1653

The Clayme of Frocato Millenes merchant}
of Cadiz for one barr of sylver marked}
in the marchent in the shipp the Sampson}
Otto George Captaine taken by some of}
[?this] parliaments' shipps.}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Ffrocato Millenes

[?Sir] G. Mendez [?dt]


Antonio Estevan de Balderas borne
att Madrid in Spaine an Inhabitant of Limma
in the West Indies aged 38 yeares or
thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined
deposeth and saith as followeth. Videlicet


To the first article of the sayd allegation, this deponent saith that the arlate ffrocato
Millenes whom this deponent hath for these 26 yeares past well
knowne and bene acquainted with, was and is a Spaniard a native
of Cadiz and there hath lived all his tyme and there now liveth with his
family and was and is a subiect of the King of Spaine and for
and as suchcommonly accounted reputed and taken. And further
cannot depose.

To the second article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that in the monethes
of September October and November 1652. the sayd Frocato Millenes
was and att this present is and ought to be the true and law full Owner and
Proprietor of the arlate one barr of sylver marked as in the [margint]

n°. 46.

n°/ 46 weighing seventy six markes and for and as such commonly accounted
reputed and taken the premisses he knoweth to be true for that in the sayd
moneth of September 1652 he saw the sayd barr of Sylver in the howse and
possession of the sayd Frocato Millenes att Cadiz, and heard him then and
there say and declare that the sayd barr of sylver was his owne, and that
he would send it to Ostend to Antonio Lopez Swaso by Ottavio Jorge
and this deponent afterwards saw the same laden accordingly as is
here after sett forth. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that after the premisses
and to the best of his remembrance in the sayd moneth of September 1652, He
this deponent being of speciall acquaintance of and with the sayd Frocato
Millenes as aforesaid did accompany him with the sayd barr of Sylver from
his howse in Cadiz in a boat into the bay of Cadiz aboard the arlate
shipp the Sampson whereof Otto George was master and then and there
saw the sayd Frocato Millenes in his owne person, and for his owne
accompt lade the sayd barr of sylver aboard the sayd shipp to be in the
same att his owne Risgo transported to Ostend, and there for his accompt
delivered unto Antonio Lopez Swaso or his assignes as factor
and correspondent of him the sayd Frocato Millones. And further he
saith he cannot depose.



Elison Bonner
Emanuell Hidson
Ffrocato Millenes
Otto George or Ottavio Jorge, captaine of the Sampson
Sir G. Monder [?Doctor]
Antonio Estevan de Balderas, borne att Madrid in Spaine, an Inhabitant of Limma in the [?Most Invict], aged 38 yeares or thereabouts

Antonio Lopez Swase







One barr of sylver