HCA 13/68 f.25r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.25r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


putt not out any Colours whereby they might or could be discerned from
being Enemyes, and were afterwards taken in Company and under
Conduct and Convoy of the foresayd Hollands men of warr standing
the same Course with them, and fleeing from the Elizabeth till they
were taken and subdued. And otherwise he cannot depose saving that
he saw and observed well the passages aforesayd.

To the nynth article he cannot depose, saving that Captaine Mynns arlate
secured severall of the Maisters of the sayd fleet, and manned four of their
Vessells, after they were seized and subdued.

To the tenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith, that he heard the [?Boatswain]
of the Hope Martin Minders Master, being one of the Vessells or shipps
schedulat taken by the Elizabeth, confesse and acknowledge in the downes
soone after the seizure, that the sayd shipp the Hope began her voyage
from Amsterdam, and thither was to returne with her lading in case she
had proceeded on her voyage, and that all the Company of her except the
Master, were Hollanders and otherwise referring himselfe to his
foregoeing depositions he cannot depose

saving that of the sight
of this deponent, there
was found aboard the
sayd shipp the Hope
immediately upon her
seizure a Holland flagg
ript and parted asunder.

John Painter
his marke.

To the eleventh article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that there was not
any English shipp within shott of any of the shippes schedulate, untill
they had yeilded to the Elizabeth frigot, and were subdued by her. And
otherwise he cannot depose.

To the twelfth Article of the sayd allegation He saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the Crosse Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the 1 Interrogatorie he saith he was one of the Companie of the shipp Elizabeth
[?Interrogate], and saith that being produced as a witnes on behalfe of the
Commonwealth he doth endeavour to discover the truth upon all such matters
whereon he is examined and otherwise cannot depose.

To the 2 negatively to every part thereof.

To the 3 he saith that any shipps of warr eyther of this, or any other Nation
may overtake merchants vessells in the sea, and goe in Company with them,
and (in case they be better Saylers) may [?ware] them doe what they can.

To the 4 he saith he doth not know when or where the sayd ffleet was taken
to Convoy by the sayd Hollands Men of warr; nor doth he know or beleive
that they mett accidentally and saith the sayd merchants vessells were
not becalmed att all but had wind enough to have carryed them on their Course
att the tyme the Elizabeth and Hollands men of warr shott att each other
and saith the sayd ffleet was about three quarters of a mile from the sayd
shipps that fought att the tyme of fight and not more as he beleiveth. And
otherwise cannot depose.

To the fifth Interrogatory he saith that the Elizabeth is an able frigot
of about 42 gunnes, but knoweth not how many gunnes were in the sayd
ffleet, and saith he doth not know or beleive in his conscience that the
sayd ffleet Ioyning with the men of warr could have overcome the
Elizabeth in case her Captaine and Company had behaved themselves
like valiant and prudent men, which if they had bene putt to it
they would have done, as he beleiveth. And otherwise cannot depose

To the sixth Interrogatory he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the seventh Interrogatorie he saith, the sayd Merchants vessells did submitt to
the Elizabeth without firing any gunnes against her, but not willingly as
he beleiveth for the Reasons aforesayd. And further he cannot depose saving
he saith that when Captaine Phillips his vessell shott she was about 2 miles
out of shott of the ffleet aforesayd

John Painter his marke



John Painter
Captain Mynns
Captain Phillips

Martin Minders




Elizabeth frigate