HCA 13/67 f.10r Special Annotate

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HCA 13/67 f.10r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third he saith and deposeth That he hath heard the said William Crombeen
often say and affirme that the sayd [?XXXX] Crombeen his brother lived att
Cortrey in fflanders arlate and that he was and is a Subiect of the King
of Spaine And otherwise he cannot depose./

To the 4th he saith That he this deponent being a Passenger in the shipp the
Salvadore arlate doth very well knowe that the said shipp and her lading and
the saud 61 potaccoes of tobacco then on board her was mett withall seised
and tajen by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth and brought into this
Port and is here detained And saith that he beleeveth the said Tobaccoe did
come to the hands and possession of the seisers thereof or of the officers of
this Comon Wealth And otherwise hee cannot depose./

To the last he saith That his foregoeing depositions were and are true./

To the Interrogatories


To the 3 he saith That the said William Crombeen did buy the said Tobaccoes
att a faire att Gibbartor neere Marracha in the presence of this deponent
which afterwards he laden on board the Salvador as aforesaid for
the Accompt of the said producent, which he beleeveth because he saw the
bills of lading aforementioned signed to that purpose And otherwise hee
cannot depose./