HCA 13/65 f.9v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/65 |
Folio | 9 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/02/28 |
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and [?accompted] fitt for the same and 18 men and two boyes, and in that
fight did receave ten shott att the least betweene wind and water, and all her masts
sailes and yards [XXXX] spoiled, and had six foote water in ho[?wld] and [XXXX] to [?saile]
before such [?time] as shee yeilded, and was by them taken and surprized, And
further hee cannot depose./
To the 6th hee saith that the said shipp the Adventure was in the service and imployment of
the said [XXXX] from the 2[?5 or ?8] of Aprill 1650
untill the time of her seisure as aforesaid, and had not delivered out all her
goods att Saint Lucar untill the said 18th of November from which time to the said
25th of Aprill is six monethes and three [?weekes] of a Month for which there is due,as
hee saith (according to the Charter partie which he hath seene) att one hundred and
ten pounds per month) the sume of seaven
hundred and forty t[?wo] pounds ten shillings sterling or thereabouts And further hee knoweth not
saveing his foresaid depositions to which hee referreth him self
To the 7th hee saith that the said ffishman the said producent was
su[?dd] impleaded in this Court by the Marriners of the said shipp for
their wages, for the said time and voyage, hee this deponent being one of
them, who saith that the said producent hath arrested the said Bow[XX]
by a warrant of this Court in a Cause of [?substraction] of freight [?unto] which
he hath appeared, And further hee refereth himself to his for{?said] depositions
and otherwise hee cannot depose./
To the last he saith that his depositions were and are true./
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh to [?depose] in this cause att the request of the
producent, and hath not received any wages for his service in the voyage in
question because the said producent is not paid for his freight And that he was
Masters mate of the said shipp dureing the said voyage. And otherwise cannot answeare.
To the 2d hee saith that he[?e] was on bord the said shipp at her departure from
Grav[?e]send outwards bound, and when shee was dischardged, att which time the said
producent had mislayd his Coquetts, which (as hee remembreth) were [?fromX]
the third of May 1650 the day they sett forward, in Company with an other ship
which was bound the same voyag, and to the same Ports, And otherwise he answereth
To the third hee saith that the said shipp was laden with bale goods or packs of
cloth, pipe staves and hoopes from this Port
for full freight, And otherwise he referreth himself to his former deposition and
[?further] he cannot depose.
To the 4th hee saith that there were [XXXX] abord the said shipp the Adventyure 15
pipes of Canarie wines att the Canaries to bee transported to Newfound Land for
the Accompt of the said B[ew]ley, which hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid to which
hee referreth himself and otherwise he cannot answ[?a]r
To the 5th hee saith that the fore mast of the said shipp un her homewards
voyage was by stresse of weather cracked which notwithstanding hee saith was
no hinderance, nor did any wayes retard the said voyag[?e], And otherwise hee
answereth negatively.
To the 6th hee saith that att the time of the taking and seisure of the said shipp there was on
bord her 250 butts of wine, and one Butt of T[?ent] some
barrells of figgs and a quantitie of co[?rke], all laden att Saint Lucars by Mr westcombe
and 24 barrells of olives laden by Mr Lo[XX], but for whose
accompt hee saith hee knoweth not. And otherwise [X saith] hee cannot answ[?a]r/
Repeated before doctor Clarke
hugh Old[?nXXd] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]