HCA 13/65 f.9r Annotate

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producent was Master and Comander thereof and so comonly accompted reputed
and taken, And therewith this deponent saith hee went and [XXX XXXX XXXXXX]
to the Canary Ilands, from thence to Newfound land and to Saint Lucar in
Spaine, and in [XXX] returne about 12 leagues off the Iland of Scilley the
said shipp was taken by Captaine B[XXXXX] and Captaine Smith Comanders of [?two GUTTER]
[?ships] of warr of the said Iland of Scilley
All which he knoweth for that he this deponent was Masters Mate of and belonging
to the said shipp the Adventure and went in her the said voyage./

To the second article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that he this
deponent being Masters Mate of the said shipp doth knowe that he the said
producent did take and receive into the said shipp att Gravesende divers and sundry
goods and merchandizes for the Accompt of the arlate John B[?owley], and did
therewith sett saile from Gravesend upon the 3d of May, aforesaid for the Canary
Ilands and there safely arrived, And did there deliver all such goods as
the said B[?ewley] did lade here unto Mr Webber and others ffactors
or Agents of the said B[?ewley], Which hee knoweth because hee was then aboard
the said shipp and saw the said Goods so delivered as aforesaid, And further
hee saith hee cannot depose./

To the third article of the said allegation hee saith That after such time as the said
producent did arrive att the Canaries hee did deliver all such goods as hee brought
thiher for the Accompt of the said B[?ewley] unto his Agents of ffactors there, and
did there take in and receave 15 pipes of Canary wines aboard the said shipp, and
therewith safely arrived at Newfound land, where hee did unlade and deliver the same unto the ffactors
or Agents of the said B[?ewley] unto whom they were consigned After the delivery
whereof hee saith the said producent did receave and take into his said shipp,
a full ladeing of ffish att the Newfound land, and did saile therewith to Saint Lucar in
Spaine and there safely arrived, and delivered the same to Mr Martin Westcombe
one of the ffactors of the said B[?ewley] about the 1[?8]th of November last and not
before, And further hee cannot depose

To the 9th hee saith that after the said 18th day of November last The said Mr
Bewleys Agents or ffactors att Saint Lucar did lade the said shipp with wines and
other Goods for the Accompt of severall persons, and consigned the same hence to
this Port of London, but little or neere (for ought this deponent knoweth for
the particuler Accompt of the said Bewley, And hee saith that in theire homewards
voyage the said shippe and Goods tackle furniture and all the Companys [XXXX GUTTER]
were seised and taken, upon or about the 23th day of december last about 12
leagues off Scilley Iland by two Scilley men of warr, the one haveing 28
peeces of Ordinance and the other eight, And after foure or five houres fight with them
hee saith the said shipp and goods were carried into Scilley, and there the said producent
and Company were kept and detained prisoners by the space of six monthes or
thereabouts untill the said Iland was surrendered, And hee saith that the said shipp[?e GUTTER]
tackle and furniture with the said Companies clothes so taken (besides the Goods in her) were
worth thirteene hundred pounds sterling, att the least, And this he knoweth for the reasons
aforesaid And further he cannot depose./

To the fifth he saith the said shipp the Adventure att the time of her going forth
and att the time of her seisure was a strong tight and staunch shipp and well and
sufficiently tackled apparelled and furnished for the said voyage, And had 12 gunnes in her