HCA 13/63 f.209v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 209 |
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amedn the same respectively att and upon the respective
dayes and tymes in the said schedule annexed conteyned
and for soe doeing hee saith did very well deserve the respective
wages in the said schedule allsoe expressed. And soe much and
more this deponent saith is usually given and allowed to [?Carpenters]
for the like tyme and worke. reddens rationem scientia sua hee
this deponent being one that wrought constantly from tyme
to tyme in and upon the said respective lighters untill theire
respective defects were sufficiently amended and repaired and
hath himselfe receeaved [?noytis] from the said Perkins when
hee did presse and earnestly desire the quicke dispatch of the
reparation of the said Lighters for which hee did thereby promise
very good payment and satisfaction, albeit, this rendents
father the producent hath paid the said paid men theire
wages. Et alr nescit deponere.
Ad 4um et sched annex deponit et dicit that the severall and respective
goods and materialls in the said schedule annexed
mentione and expressed att the tyme of theire being
imployed and disposed on in and upon the said Lyghters respectively
were well worth the severall summes of moneys schedulated
and in the same mentioned and expressed. And for soe [?much]
goods and materialls of the same nature and quality [?XX]
the respective goods so schedulated are at the tyme aforesaid
were worth and sold for. Et alr nescit deponere.
Sup reliquis [?XXX] examinatus ex directione produced
Ad Interrogatoria.
Ad primum Interrogatoria rendet that hee is sonne of the producent
and liveth in house with him, and cometh to depose the truth
in this cause at his instance And saith hee knoweth the lighter
called the James interrogated, which was built by the producent and
launched in or about the moneth of March last was a twelve moneth
And saith that the said Perkins desireing to have her upon
tryall had her in his possession for some tyme, but hee
not keepeing his word for the payment of such moneyes as
hee should have done for the same not makeing noe payment
thereof to this day the producent was faine to arrest the
said Lighter for her recoverie into his owne hands againe
Et alr rendet [?XXX] et nescit saveing that shee was never
called by the name of the Ball./