HCA 13/63 f.209r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.209r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




eadem die [CENTRE HEADING]

Super lilo pred examinatus./

Rp. EA.


Isaacccus Mayor filius Jacobi Mayor
ptis producen in jhac causa aetatis sua 21. annorum
annorum (sic) aut eo circiter testis productus et iuratus./

Ad primum arlum dei lili deponit et dicit that within the tyme
lilate the arlate Zacheus Perkins was accompted and comonly
reputed to bee the Owner and proprietor of the severall
and respective Lighters in the article mentioned All which this
deponent well knoweth haveing wrought for many daies in
and upon the same in his trade of a ship Carpenter. Et alr
salvis infrascript nescit deponere.

Ad secundum arlum dei lili et sched eidem annex deponit et dicit
that within the tyme lilate All the said respective Lighters lilate did
stand in need of and want repaires and amending, And
the producent this deponents said father within the said tyme was
the lawfull Owner and proprietor of all and singular the materialls
provisions and goods mentioned in the said schedule to this libell annexed
and soe accompted And saith that the same said James Mayor
within the said tyme att the speciall intreaty and desire of the
said Perkins did lay out and employ and deliver to upon and for the
use and reparation of the said Lighters respectively all and singular
the respective and severall goods materialls and provisions in the said
schedule (which this deponent hath now perused) expressed and mentioned,
All which this deponent saith were incorporated and wrought into
and upon the said respective Lighters, and were remaineing in and upon
the same respectively att the tyme of the arrest made in this cause
of and upon the said respective Lyghters. premissa deponeus hee yjos
Deponent with his precontests Edward Bigland John Mayor
and Robert Mayor working upon the same respectively with and
under the producent his ffather, and seeing of the said Materialls
and provisions soe provided brought abord the said Lighters respectively, by
his said fathers order and appointment, which hee saith were all
necessarily imployed in and upon the said Lighters particularly
as is in the sschedule declared. Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 3um et schedulam deponit et dicit that the said James Mayor within the tyme
aforesaid by the |Order and direction of the said Zacheus Perkins and
att his speciall request and entreaty did procure [?here] and appoint
sometimes 2. and otherwhiles 3. or fower more Carpenters besides
this deponent and his said precontests to worke in and unpon the
said Lighters lilate respectively. All which hee saith did worke upon and