HCA 13/53 f.222r Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.222r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




dco die/


super hac allegacione/

[?XXX] Wilson./

Carolus Rapaert de Doroborina mercator aetatis 22. annorum
aut circiter testis in hac parte productus iuratus et examinatus./

Ad primum arlum allegacionis ex parte Peter de Thosse et seriorum in hac
parte dat et oblat, dicit et deponit That for all the tyme arlate and
for divers yeares before, the sayd Peter de Thosse of Callice merchant
was sole owner of the arlate shipp called the ffortune of Dover (whereof
Cornelius Charles Newport was master) and of her tackle and furniture and
soe comonly reputed and taken which this deponent knoweth to be true for
that he lived in house with the sayd Thosse by the space of six or
seaven yeares or therabouts and kepte his books of accompts by the space of three
yeares of that tyme or thereabouts, and is nowe partner with Symon Peter
de Thosse livinge in Dover, sonne to the sayd Peter de Thosse/

Ad 2. 3um 4. et 5 arlos allons pred dicit et deponit That within the tyme arlate
(as he is advised by divers letters and other writings which he hath seene, nowe remayninge in the
Registrye of this Court, there were laden aboard the arlate shipp the
ffortune of Dover in the port of Saint Lucar in Spayne fourtye cases of Indigoe under severall marks, fourtye
small baggs of wooll, and sixteene great baggs of wooll, and
fifteene hundred and thirtye foure sticks of Campecha wood, and other
goods to be transported in the sayd shipp to the porte of Dover, and
that in or about the moneth of December last past there
came to Dover eighte of the
company of the sayd shipp the ffortune which belonged to the sayd
shipp before her departure from Dover on the sayd voyage
in the sayd shipp when she was cast away (as they
tould this deponent) and broughte after to him from his precontest Doctor
Burton (whereby he was advised of their castinge away of the sayd shipp uppon
the coast of Sussex) and what goods were saved, and theruppon this deponent
rode into Sussex to the sayd Doctor Burtons house and there