HCA 13/124 f.74v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.74v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


question, and after the exeqution of the said warrant
the said Thomas Batt did on the first day of July
1645 put in Bayle into the Registry of this Court
to answeare the action brought against the said
Goods and thereupon the then Judge of this Court
did decree the said Goods to be released from the
said Arrest as by the Act thereupon remayninge
in the REgistry of This Courte whereunto these
Respondents referr themselves doth and may
appeare And these Rendents further beleeve that
all the said goods were according to the foresaid
decree and presently after the interposing thereof
delivered unto the said Thomas Batt but what the
particular numbers or quantities of the said salt and
Oxhides were, or what they were worth or un
what condition they were when they were laden
aboard the said shipp these Rendents know not
nor were ever informed And they doe further referr
themselves to theire precedent answeares made
to the first position of this pretended allegation
which answeares they beleeve to be true And
otherwise they doe not beleeve the said pretended
position to be true in any part thereof saving
that they beleeve that every peece of eight
of the peeces of eight in the fift article of this
allegation mentioned, was worth when delivered
to the said Thomas Middleton the summe of 4 s 6 d
and noe more as they beleeve

To the 15th position of the said pretended allegation
they and evry of them doe answeare and beleeve
that the arlate Thomas Middleton did know and
take notice of such goods as were laden on board
the shipp arlate at Allicant to be
transported to the Port of London for the