HCA 13/124 f.66r Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.66r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 7th hee answereth and beleeveth that
all or most shipps haveing somme
stocke more or lesse hee doeth beleeve
the arlate Richard dawes had alsoe
some stocke with the said shipp but
what or how much this Rendent
is altogether ignorant of and doeth
not conceive hee is any way bound to
answer any thinge thereunto And other
wise hee doeth not beleeve the said pretensed
position to bee true in any parte

To the 8th hee answereth and beleeveth
that the said Richard dawes did before
his departure upon his last vpyadge
give a true and iust Account to the
parties aforesaid of all the voyadges made
with the said shippe and pay them
respectively what was due unto them
for the same as hee beleeveth and since
his departure this Rendent or his wife
or some other in his behalfe hath
given the said parties a true and iust Account
according to letters and instructions
receaved by him from his said brother
and att his request, of what proffitt
was made with the said shippe before
shee was taken as aforesaid and paid
the monies due unto them accordeinge
to theire respective parts as hee beleeveth
videlicet the summe of Twenty pounds and ninety poundes
proportionably amongst all the ow=
ners according to theire respective
shares in the said shippe makeing in the whole one hundred and Ten poundes and yet hee
this Rendent never receaved more then
one hundred poundes for the said shipps freight
and Account of the owners as hee