HCA 13/124 f.65v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/124 |
Folio | 65 |
Side | Verso |
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Added artificial foliation; uploaded image; transcribed on 12/05/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_114_04_7089.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/05/12 |
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after the premisses with the consent
good likeing and approbation of the
parties aforesaid undertake a voyadge
from this porte of London to Ireland
and there saferly arrived and from thence
went with the said shippe to ffrance and
there safely arrived and afterwards
returned to Ireland and there safely
arrived alsoe and was afterwards
returneing for ffrance againe in which
passage betweene Ireland and ffrance
the said shippe was mett withall and
sett upon by a Pyrate or Irish man of
warre of Waterford and was surprized
and taken and the said Richard dawes
the Master slanie in the defence of the said
shippe as hee beleeveth And otherwise
hee doeth not beleeve the said pretensed
position to bee true in any parte
To the 6th hee answereth and beleeveth
that the said shipp was really taken as in
this Rendents answers to the precedent
Article mentioned as sett forth and
was noe waies disposed by him the said
Richard dawes but hee the said dawes
did suffer a great losse by the takenig
thereof and farre greater then any
other of the owners of the said shipp
as hee beleeveth but howe much the
said shipp was worth att the time
of the takeing thereof hee this Rendent
not being present hee cannot say nor
doeth conceive hee is bound to answer