HCA 13/124 f.33v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.33v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


other parte for and concerneing an
intended Greeneland voyadge this
present season as followeth/

Imprimis The said Thomas horth doeth
hereby Covenant and promise with all
convenient speed and on or before the
last day of this instant Aprill to fitt
the said William Bellamy with a goods
and sufficient shipp of the burthen of
Two hundred Tonnes and Twenty peeces
of Ordniance with powder shott Artillery
Anchors Cables sailes and all other things
needfull for such a voyadge alsoe at his
cost and charge to provide a goods and
sufficient quantity of good and wholesome
victualling for the said shipp for the
number of eighty men and alsoe one
Copper six shallops warps Irons Lances
and all other things needfull for the
killeing and mann[?XXXig] of the whale
or oile in the said voyadge together
with Caske sufficient for the said voyadge
Alsoe the said Thomas horth doeth covenant
promise and grant to procure a Comission
from the State of England against
the ffrench to take by way of Reprizall all ships or goods of the subiects of the french kinge and alsoe to lend
unto the said Bellamy Ten pounds before
his foeing to Sea to be repaid at his

Item the said William Bellamy doeth promise
Covenant and grant to and with the
said Thomas horth his executors and Assignes by
these presents to provide on or before the last
day of this instant Aprill to goe and
proceed with him in the said shipp eighty
good able and sufficient men for the