HCA 13/124 f.30v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.30v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


or creditts of the said Monseir Villen
Jean Guirhett, or any other ffrench men whatsoever and did really, and properly belong
unto them att the time of the seizure thereof,
and thi rendent beleeveth that the goods
claimed by the arlate Bartholomew
White were and are the proper goods
of the said White, and did really and
properly belonge unto the said White
att the time of the seizure./

To the 4th position this rendent answereth
and beleeveth the sme to bee true.

To the last he answereth, that he
beleeveth the things by him beleeved
and denieth the thinges by him denied.



14th Januarij 1650 [CENTRE HEADING]

Repetit coram [?doctorX]

The personall answeares
of Peter Legay made to the
pretensed positions of a certeine
allegation given against him
on the behalfe of Nicholas Gold
and company as followeth

To the first pretensed position he answereth
that savinge his answers followeinge
he doth not beleeve the said pretensed
position to bee true in any parte saveinge
this rendent beleeveth that he this
rendent knoweinge that there was some
hazard, and danger in sendinge of goods
to Saint Malloes in his owne name beinge
an Englishman in reguard (sic) there had beene
severall arrests made of Englishmens