HCA 13/124 f.18r Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.18r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


proclaimed betwixt them And
otherwise for his parte hee doeth
not beleeve the said pretensed posi
tion to bee true in any parte thereof



16th decembris 1650 [CENTRE HEADING]

Resonsa personalia Roberti Walgrave
facta positionibu et Articulis
[?XXXXam] puse alius, als contra
eum ex parte Willimi Startute
henrici Griggs et [?XXXXum]
dat et admiss: sequuntur

To the first second and third pretended
positions hee answereth and referreth
himselfe to the charter party arlate
which hee beleeveth to bee signed and
sealed by him this Rendent and the arti
culate Andrewes and by them delivered
as theire Acts and deeds. ut credit And
otherwise for his parte hee doeth not beleeve
the said positions to bee true in any parte

To the fourth pretended position hee an
swereth and beleeveth That within the
yeares and monethes in the first Arti
cle of this Allegation mentioned the
said shipp the Mathewe did departe
and set saile from this porte of London
towards Nants in ffrance ut credit
where this Rendent and the arlate
Andrewes ut credit had provided the
said shipps Ladeinge of wines ready
there to bee laden att such time as
shee arrived there ut credit but