MRP: Henry Style will
Henry Style will
PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of Henry Style, Mercer of London 03 October 1672
Editorial history
01/12/11, CSG: Created page
08/12/11, CSG: Posted transcription to wiki
[hide]Abstract & context
Henry Style described himself in his will as "of London mercer."
Writing his will in 1672, he XXXXX.
He appointed his brother-in-law Mr. John Highlord his sole executor.
Suggested links
See Thomas Style senior will
See Thomas Stile will
See Martha Style will
See Maurice Stile will
To do
(1) Check this transcription
This transcription has been completed, but requires checking
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN THE Tenth day of September in the year of our Lord 1672 I Henry Style, of London Mercer being sound of mind and memory (thanks be given to God) Do make this ma Last will and Testament in manner and forme following
FIRST I give and commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God the father my Creator and to his Son Jesus Christ my Redeemer by whose merits only through the working of the Holy Ghost I hope assuredly after my Pilgrimage ended in the world to enjoy a blessed life in the heavenly habitations, my body I committ to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executor
As for my personall estate I dispose of it in manner following
FIRST I give and bequeath to my loving brother M:r Thomas Style as a remembrance of my love the summe of Twenty pounds I give and bequeath to my loving brother M:r George Style the summe of Two hundred pounds which is in M:r Hawkins the Scriverners hands. To my two Sisters M:r Sarah Style and M:rs Anne Style I give and bequeath the money due to me from my fathers estate that he gave me As Also that Legacy given me by my Brother M:r William Style (all excepting the fifty pund in his will to me bequeathed) to be equally devided between them Also I give and bequeath to my loving Sister M:rs Elizabeth Highlord the summe of Twenty pounds Also I give and bequeath to M:rs ?Kattern Goodwing forty shillings, To Mary ?Goldsmith Twenty shillings Also I give and bequeath, to my loving Cousin M:rs Elizabeth Butler five pounds And I give and bequeath to my Cousin M:r Thomas Butler the summe of five pounds,
and I make and ordaine and appoint my loving Brother in Law M:r John Highlord my full and whole Executor
And renouncing all former Wills I acknowledge this to be my Last will & Testament
In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first abovewritten
Henry Style
Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Barrow, frances Mount, John Blithe
there was interlined before the sealing and delivery, those words between the Twenty second and Twenty Third line, all every the 50:li, in his will to me bequeathed
Witnes John Blithe Jogn Barrow
PROBATUM fuit hujuXXXX TESTAMENTUM Londini, XXXX venerabili viro Richard Lloyd legum Doctore Surrogato venerabilis et XXXXXX
Johannis Highlord XXXX Executoris in dictro Testamente XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
NOMINATI Qui commissa fuit Administrato omnium et singularum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti deXXX de bene et fidelr Administrand eadem Ad Seta Dei Evangelia Jurato.
Possible primary sources
PROB 4/4651 Style, Henry, of the City of London, ob at Mitcham, Surrey, mercer 1675 6 Sept.
PROB 11/195 Twisse 1–52 Will of Thomas Style, Merchant of London 03 January 1646
PROB 11/266 Ruthen 260-310 Will of Thomas Style or Stile of Surrey 25 July 1657
- Father of Maurice Style, who was his heir
PROB 11/285 Wootton 674-720 Will of Martha Style, Widow of Morden, Surrey 16 January 1658
- Widow of Thomas Style
PROB 11/292 Pell 300-349 Will of Maurice Style, Gentleman of Edmonton, Middlesex 08 June 1659
PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of Henry Style, Mercer of London 03 October 1672