HCA 13/73 f.544r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.544r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 8.th hee saith hee hath often seene and read the
Instructions interrate. but doth not knowe that they were
read unto, or by the said Winter./.

[GUTTER XXXX] duo Judicante.

Willoughby:: Hammam. [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 16.th of July 1660./. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Articles./.


John Moncke of Limehouse in the
County of Middlesex Mariner late one of
the Company of the ffairfax ffrigott aged 25
yeeres or thereabouts Sworne and Examined.

To the first article hee saith that for and during all the
yeere 1658, and Before, and since, there were Universall
Reprizalls granted by the then authority of England for seizing
the ships and goods of the King of Spaine and his Subjects
and for all the said time there hath bin open warr and
hostility at sea used and practised betweene the Subjects
of this Nation and the Subjects of the said King of Spaine
and for all that time both Partyes have at sea taken the ships
and goods of each other as lawfull Prize and soe much was and is
well knowne to the said william Winter, which hee knoweth
for that hee this Deponent for most part of the yeere 1658 and
all 1659 served in the ffleete inder the Command of Admirall
Stoakes, and further deposeth not./.

To the 2.d hee saith that for all the time aforesaid the arlate
Captaine John Stoakes was Admirall or Comander in charge of
a Squadron of ships in the Medeterranian Sea, consisting
of ten saile, whereof the ffairfax ffrigot was one, and the
said Admirall Stoakes had power to keepe the said Tenne
ships together or devide them as hee should finde occasion
and this hee saith was and is well knowne to the said william
Winter. And further deposeth not./.

To the 3.d hee saith that the arlate Thomas Whetstone was
Comander of the ffairfax ffrigot for all or most part of the
yeere 1658. and Within the said yeere the said Admirall
Stoakes did alsoe Comit foure other of the ffrigots of the said
Squadrom to the Care and Comand of the said Whetston to wit
the Phenix the Hampshire, the Kent and the Bristowe and
the said William Winter within the said yeere pretended
himselfe to be Lieutenant of the ffairefax ffrigot, and did take
upon him, and exercise that office to the said Whetston, which hee
knoweth for that hee this deponent belonged to the said ffairefax ffrigot
all the time the said Winter was in her And further deposeth not./