HCA 13/73 f.544v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.544v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 4.th hee referreth himselfe to the Laes, and
the Constitutions of Princes and Nations, in that behalfe./

To the 5.th 6.th 7.th and 8.th hee saith that hee never sawe the
order or Instructions given to the said Admirall Stoakes
or the letter arlate sent to him, nor knoweth the Effect
thereof, nor what orders were given to the said Whetstone or the said Winter
nor what the lawes are touching the busines arlate and further deposeth not (saving
hee saith that the bulke of any Prize ought not to be
broken till such Prize bee delivered up to the Admiralty
neither ought the Evidence and Papers touching such Prizes
to be kept or concealed but delivered up to the Admirall.

To the 9.th hee saith that hee verily beleeveth that whatsoever
person shall at Sea take any Ship or goods as Prize
to this Nation and after hee hath got the same into his Possession shall
Imploy the same to his owners use, without order from the
high Court of the Admiralty) or other just and due warrant
and authority or shall detaine and keepe the Evidence
and writings concerning such Prize or shall strike or
abuse any ffreind or ally of this Nation, such person
soe offending is Lyable and responsible for such his
misdemeanours and otehrwise cannot depose./:

To the 10.th 11.th and 12.th hee saith that in or about the
moneth of August 1658 Captaine Hannam and
Captaine Bun, Comanders of the Kent and the Phenix
brought the Arlate ship the Armes of Leake as a Prize
to Captaine Whetstone, and soone after rge said
Winter went onboard the said Prize, and tooke
severall of the ffairfax ffrogots Company with him
and turned out Captaine Hannams and Captaine
Bunns men, and the said Winter carried the
said Prize to Maresllis and there disposed of the
same, but howe this deponent knoweth not in Regard
hee was then in the ffairefax, which lay some
distance from the Prize when shee was at Marsellis
And saith that nott long after, the ffairefax ffrigott
did at Legorne take and seize a ship called the
warior of Amsterdam, and loaden as this deponent beleeveth
with Spaniards goods, and presently after the said winter
went on board her, and tooke this Deponent and severall other
of the ffairfax ffrigots Company with him, and soe soone
as they were come onboard the said Winter fell to
ransacking and rummaging the said Prize and