HCA 13/73 f.543v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.543v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Whetston gave order for the Lading of some of
those goods that were delvivered at Mersellis, which wer
sold by the said Whetston to one Mr Allworth the
English Agent at Mersellis,/:

To the 4.th hee saith that hee this rendent was not
one of those that seized upon the said Winter, nether
doth hee remember who seized him, but saith that
hee was put into this Deponents ffrigot by order of Admirall
Stoakes, and afterwards by his order put on board
the Guiney, and saith hee doth not knowe that there
were any papers or writings money or goods taken from him
or any of his truncks or other things broke open,
And otherwise cannot depose./.

To the 5,th hee saith that hee this Deponent did not take any plate
money or goods whatsoever, out of either of the said
ships taken as aforesaid nor knoweth that any other
Persons did take out but the said winter and
his Company as aforesaid and further cannot Answer

To the 6th hee saith that hee often times sawe and
was in Company with the foresaid Dutch Consull
at Mersellis, and knew him about three months
before the Armes of Leake came thether, and
hee doth not Remember his name, but saith that hee
knoweth that hee was the Dutch Consull there for that
hee was soe Commonly Called at Marsellis , and for
that the Dutch there did make their Adresses to him
as Consull, And saith hee this Deponent never sawe his
Commission, And when the said Winter abused the said
Consull onboard the said Prize as aforesaid, there
were many of the ffairefax ffrigotts Company and
many Dutchmen present, And saith that this Deponent
was goeing then in hast ashore, and knewe if hee
had spoake to the said Winter it would have bin to no purpose
and for his Part hee saith hee doth not knowe nor ever heard that
the said Consull did give any affront whatsoever
against the sayd Winter or any other of the English there

To the 7.th hee saith hee knoweth not that there was a
Councill of warr called to seize the said Winter neither
doth hee knowe howe long the said Winter was in Custody
this Deponent being sent out to sea, but beleeveth
hee was not kept above three weekes./