HCA 13/70 f.487r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.487r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


examined he deposeth as followeth./

To the first article of the said allegation he deposeth and saith
That he the deponent doth very well know the arlate shipp the
Truroe ffrigott having a 32th part of the sayd shipp
which part in her he had in the month of August 1654, and
that in or about the sayd month the said shipp was laden
with salt at [?Burneause] in ffrance for the accompt of the
arlate William Tiddiman the producent and others the
Owners of her (except this deponent who did not consent to the
freighting of his part the sayd voyage) and that the said
shipp with her said lading of salt did arrive at ffalmouth
and was consigned to the arlate Edward Nosworthy and
John hallett, who sold the said salt, And that the sayd
Tiddiman the producent had a 16th and a 32th part of the
sayd salt (as he beleiveth) And further to the sayd article he
cannot depose

To the second article of the sayd allegation he deposeth that the
arlate shipp the Truroe was in or about November 1654 laden
at ffalmouth with pilchers for and upon the accompt of the
arlate William Tiddiman the producent and others the Owners
of her (except this deponent) and that the said pilchers were
carried and sold in severall parcells at severall places as
Allegant, Leghorne and Naples, and that he hath seen
severall bills of exchange drawne by the arlate henry
Gregory the servant or Agent of the arlate Noseworthy, (who
sold the said pilchers) upon the John hallett for severall summes of money and that
the sayd hallett hath of this deponents knowledge accepted of the
said bills of exchange and agreed to pay the same, And he
alsoe deposeth that it hath cleerly appeared unto him the deponent
by accompts kept concerning the said shipps Cargo that the
arlate William Tiddiman the producent had and hath ine
16th part of the said fish and the product thereof And
further he cannot depose.

To the third article of the allegation he deposeth and saith that the
arklate shipp did arrive in this port of London about June
last, and that the arlate William Tiddiman was Master of
her the voyage arlate, as he hath been ever since the said shipp
was built, And further he cannot depose.

To the fourth article he deposeth and saith that he was present
with William Tiddiman the producent when the arlate
Nicholas Skinner did say that the severall parts of this
deponent and the said Tiddiman showld be bought off at a
value and upon such consitions as was between the said Tiddiman
and the said Skinner, and John hallett agreed upon, But he
saith that he was not present at the former meeting when the