HCA 13/70 f.487v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.487v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


value or price of the sayd shipp was agreed upo, yet that
the sayd Skinner told him this deponent and the sayd Tiddiman
that for his part he was willing and ready to performe the
busines of buying the said paarts of the said shipp belonging
to the deponent and the producent upon and according to their
former conditions, And further he cannot depose/

To the fifth article he saith he was not present at any time
when any summe of money was promised unto the said Tiddiman
in Liew of his mastershipp of the said shipp, but he deposeth
that he meeting yesterday upon the Exchange Nicholas
Skinner one of the partyes in this cause, he did say and acknowledge
unto this deponent that he was willing to give the producent for
and in liew of his Mastershipp of the said shipp some money
but not the summe of 100 li, which the said Tiddiman demanded (as
Skinner then sayd) for it, And further to the sayd article
he cannot depose.

To the last he saith his former deposition is true./

To the Interrogatoryes [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate William
Tiddiman was Owner of two sixteenths of the said shipp at the
time interrate, and that he was (as he beleiveth) Owner of the
said sixteens ever since she was built, And further
he cannot answeare

To the second Interrogatory he answereth that he was not at ffalmouth
at the time interrate nor since, And soe knoweth not to
answeare to the said Interrogatory

To the third he knoweth not to answeare./.

Yo the fourth Interrogatory he answereth that he referreth
himselfe to his deposition made to the said fourth article And
further cannot answeare./

To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth that he is an Owner of a
32th part of the sayd shipp, which he bought of William Tiddiaman
the producent, And to the rest he answereth negatively.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin./

Jo: Taylor Junior [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


On the fifth of October 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]


Thomas Rawlinson of the parish of Saint Mary
Magdalen in Milkestreete London Stationer, where
he hath lived about 7 yeares last past, a wittnes
produced and sworne and being examined he deposeth as followeth

To the first article of the allegation he deposeth that he the
deponent had a 32th part of the interrate shipp the Truroe
ffrigott, and by his being a part Owner of the sayd shipp
doth very well knowe that the sayd shipp was in or about the
moneth of August 1654 laden with salt at [?Burucase] in
ffrance and from thence sett sayle and arrived at ffalmouth in
Cornewall for the account (together with the rest of the Owners