MRP: Thomas Kendall will

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Thomas Kendall will

PROB 11/323 XXXX Will of Thomas Kendall, Merchant of Chiswick, Middlesex 16 February 1667

Editorial history

04/12/11, CSG: Created page & pasted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See Thomas Papillon will (friend of Thomas Kendall)
See James Kendall will
See John Kendall will

To do


This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

FOR MUCH AS IT IS AGREEABLE to Christian profession That Christians should soe settle and dispose of their estate as to profess love and amity amongst their nearest and dearest relations I Thomas Kendall of Chiswicke in the County of Middx Merchant being (Praysed be God) of perfect and sound memory though somewhat weak of body Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner following

AND WHEREAS I am lately Purchased from the Deane and Chapter of Westminster in the names of freinds in Trust a Lease for yeares determinable on the lives of my Three sonnes Thomas John and James Kendall of and in the Mannor of Chiswicke And of the Capital Messuage and demesnes of Chiswick with y:e appxxxx in Chiswicke aforesaid


I DOE HEREBY will and devise that my said Trustees or any other in whom the said Lease and estate or any other Lease that hereafter shalbe taken of the premises shalbe att the tyme of my decease shall stand interessed therein intrust for my deare and lovveing wife Grace Kendall for and dureing soe long tyme of the said terme as shall happen to her and after her decease Then in Trust to and for my?said sonne Thomas Kendall for and dureing the rest of the terme and estate which shalbe to come therein And my will and meaneing is That if in case their shalbe occasion of renewing the said terme and estate from the said Deane and Chapter of Westminster or any other in the life tyme of my said wife That then the ffee and charge of such renewing shalbe taken out of the rest of my personell Estate And that the Lease and estate which shalbe then taken on such renewing shalbe taken unto and in the names of ffreinds in Trust for my said wife dureing her life and afterwards in Trust for my said sonne Thomas Kendall his executo:rs Administrato:rs and assignes for and dureing all the rest of the Lease and terme which shalbe then to come therein And I doe alsoe give unto my said wife my Coach, Coach horses and furniture and all my Cattle and quick=stuffe (sic) in and upon my demesnes of Chiswicke aforesaid or elsewhere in England att my death And all my Jewells whatsoever which I shall have in England att the tyme of my decease and Three hundred pounds in money to be paid unto her by my Executo:rs hereafter named forthwith after my death

AND I doe alsoe give and devise unto my said wife the use and occupacon of all my househould goods Plate Lynnen Pewter bedding and other implements of household whatsoever And all my Pictures and Statues in my said house att Chiswicke or elsewhere in England dureing her life And the same after her death to goe to my herein after named And my intent and meaneing is And I doe hereby declare That the said severall guifts and Legacies herein soe given unto my said wife are and shalbe in Liew full satisfacton and recompense of her right of Dower and of whatsoever else shee may have or clayme out of my lands or estate for her Joynture or otherwise by any Articles of agreement or bond made or entered into before or since my intermarriage with my said wife

ITEM I give to my nephew Thomas Kendall Tenn pounds And to his brother John Kendall Tenn pounds to be paid within one yeare after my death And I give to my uncle Henry Walker Twenty pounds to buy him a ?GuildRing

ITEM I give to each of my ffreinds S:r Thomas Modyford Baronnett Thomas Papillon of London Merchant and Eustace ?Budgell (?Budggill) gent Twenty Mark á peece which I desire every of them to bestow in á peece of Plate

ALL THE REST of my goods chattells debts merchandises and estate And alsoe my moiety or half rente of Buckland Plantation in the Island of Barbadoes And my moiety or XX ?halfen deale of my Plantations and Estate in the said Island of Jamaica and All other my Plantations and Estate in the said Islands or in either of them And all my lands and Tenements and Trusts in England or elsewhere not herein otherwise given or bequeathed I hereby give and bequeath unto my said three sonnes Thomas Kendall John Kendall and James Kendall Executor:rs of this my last will and Testament

AND I doe hereby declare That not onely my Goods Chattells debts Merchandises and personall Estate but my said moieties and whole interest in the said Plantations and lands and Estate in England and elsewhere soe given to my Three sonnes Thomas Kendall


John Kendall and James Kendall shalbe subject and lyable to the payment and satisfaction of all my debts And other legacies herein given and bequeathed And that if my personall estate shall not be sufficient to satisfy all my debts funeralls and legacies That then the same shalbe satisfied and paid out of the yearly proceed and proffitts of my said Plantations and lands in England and elsewhere And my will and meaneing is That of any of my said sonnes shall happen to dye before his or their full age of one and Twenty yeares without any issue of his body lawfully begotten then living That then and in such case All the lands goods Chattells Trusts and estate given by this my will to him or them soe dyeing (save onely what shall be spent for maintenance in his or their life tyme) shall wholly remaine and come to the Survivors and survivor of my said Sonnes his or their heires or assignes And I doe hereby will and declare That if it shall happen any difference to arise between my said Sonnes touching or concerning any thing unto them or any of them devised in this my will That then for the prevention of Controversies and suite of Law the same difference be referred to the determination and Judgement of my said Three freinds or of such of them as shalbe then liveing in England And if any of my said sonnes shall not submitt unto and performe such determination and Judgement Then the party soe not submitting and performing to loose his part and share of the thing in question to such of his brothers as shall soe submitt and performe such Judgement

IN WITNESS whereof to this my last will and Testament whreof I have caused Two severall parts to be written (Both of one and the same Tenor And each part conteyning Three sides and part of a side of a sheete of Paper) I the said Thomas Kendall have sett my hand to every sheete of each part And my seale to the whole of each part (whereof one Part being Proved in Court The other part is to be accompted onely as a Coppy thereof This Seaventh day of July One Thousand Six hundred Sixty ffive And in the Seaventeenth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second over England etc

Tho: Kendall

Signed  Sealed and Published by the said Thomas Kendall the  ffather and by him declared to be his last Will and Testament the day and yeare last before menconed in the  presence of Edward?Rosworthy Anthox Taylor John Button Alexander Randall

DECIMO SEXTO die mensis February Anno Domini (Stilo Angliae) Millimo Sexcentisimo Septuageimo Sexto XXXXX Comissies Gracus Kendall XXXX Relicta Thoma Kendall defuncti hxxx xx Ad Administrand bona Jura et Credita dxx defuncti juxta tenorem et effectum Testamenti optus defuncti in xsam Executorum et dexxt et quoses Jacobus Kendall filius nata minimus et omnis Executorum Ad verosenum PxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (I missed out another ten lines of latin)




Possible primary sources