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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 28/11/12 by Colin Greenstreet; pasted into wikispot on 23/04/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 28/11/2012
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2012/11/28
|First transcribed=12/11/28
|Editorial history=Edited on 29/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1130812.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 08/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1130812
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1130812.JPG}}
|Transcription=shipp ''Endeavour'' if her ladeing had not consisted of wynes, as it did, for that, as hee
|Transcription=shipp Endeavour if her ladeing had not consisted of wynes, as it did, for that, as hee
also then said to this deponent, they knewe the peace betweene france and England
also then said to this deponent, they knewe the peace betweene france and England
was agreed upon, and that they had stayed severall daies at Vorhell in expectation of
was agreed upon, and that they had stayed severall daies at Rochell in expectation of
Letters of Marq or Reprizall against the English, but could not get any from the
Letters of Marq or Reprizall against the English, but could not get any from the
king of ffrance in regard of the said peace agreed upon, or words to that or the
king of ffrance in regard of the said peace agreed upon, or words to that or the
like effect. And further cannot depose/:./
like effect. And further cannot depose/:./
To the 8th Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That shortly after the surprizall GUTTER
To the 8th Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That shortly after the surprizall
of the said shipp and her ladeing by the french as afóresaid, the said french Officer GUTTER
of the said shipp and her ladeing by the french as afóresaid, the said french Officer
who was putt in and constituted Commander of the said shipp Endeavour, likewise
who was putt in and constituted Commander of the said shipp ''Endeavour'', likewise
told and declared to this deponent, that the said french shipps under the Command
told and declared to this deponent, that the said french shipps under the Command
of the said de La Roche should have gone to Lisbone or to some other place in
of the said de La Roche should have gone to Lisbone or to some other place in
Portugall there to have taken in their provision of wyne, but that they were
Portugall there to have taken in their provision of wyne, but that they were
diverted by contrary winds and weather, and thereupon did expressely steere their
diverted by contrary winds and weather, and thereupon did expressely steere their
Course towards the Canarie Islands in expectation there˹abouts˺ undoubtedly to meete up with GUTTER
Course towards the Canarie Islands in expectation thereabouts undoubtedly to meete up with
shipps laden with wynes, the season of the yeare being then very proper and
shipps laden with wynes, the season of the yeare being then very proper and
convenient for such their designe, or words to that or the like effect: And
convenient for such their designe, or words to that or the like effect: And
further hee cannot depose:-/
further hee cannot depose:-/
To the 9th hee saith That the said Captaine de la Roche and Companie presently GUTTER
To the 9th hee saith That the said Captaine de la Roche and Companie presently
after the surprizall of the said shipp the Endeavour did take and plunder from this
after the surprizall of the said shipp the ''Endeavour'' did take and plunder from this
Deponent and the rest of the said shipps Companie all or most of their cloathes from
deponent and the rest of the said shipps Companie all or most of their cloathes from
their backs, leaving many of them covered only with raggs which the said frenchmen GUTTER
their backs, leaving many of them covered only with raggs which the said frenchmen
gave them in exchange and tooke away all their Sea instruments and their private GUTTER
gave them in exchange and tooke away all their Sea instruments and their private
adventures utterly depriving them thereof, Which hee this deponent knoweth by XXXX GUTTER
adventures utterly depriving them thereof, Which hee this deponent knoweth by [XXXX GUTTER]
experience being an Eyewittnesse and participant in the suffereings premised. And
experience being an Eyewittnesse and participant in the sufferings premised. And
further hee cannot depose:-/
further hee cannot depose:-/
To the 10th hee saith That the said shipp the Endeavour with her tackle and ffurniture
To the 10th hee saith That the said shipp the ''Endeavour'' with her tackle and ffurniture
were at the time of her said surprizall really worth Two Thousand ffive
were at the time of her said surprizall really worth Two Thousand ffive
hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts in this deponents best judgment and estimate, shee
hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts in this deponents best judgment and estimate, shee
being a shipp of about eight score or 200. tunns, and about 4. or 5. yeares old, XXXX GUTTER
being a shipp of about eight score or 200. tunns, and about 4. or 5. yeares old, [XXXX GUTTER]
with sixteene peeces of Ordnance, and every way provided with very good and
with sixteene peeces of Ordnance, and every way provided with very good and
sufficient tackle and ffurniture, And saith that the ffraight due for the voiage
sufficient tackle and ffurniture, And saith that the ffraight due for the voiage
which shee was taken as aforesaid did amount to about the summe of seaven hundred
which shee was taken as aforesaid did amount to about the summe of seaven hundred
eighty two pounds ten shillings according to the computation of 4li: 15s: sterling or
eighty two pounds ten shillings according to the computation of 4li: 15s: sterling or
thereabouts per tunn as this deponent hath credibly heard and understood, and that the said
thereabouts per tunn as this deponent hath credibly heard and understood, and that the said
Companies wages at the rate of 50:li sterling per moneth for the space of eight
Companies wages at the rate of 50:li sterling per moneth for the space of eight
moneths from the time of their entring into the said shipps service till the time that this GUTTER
moneths from the time of their entring into the said shipps service till the time that this
deponent and others arrived in England from Guiney did and doe amount to 400:li sterling GUTTER
deponent and others arrived in England from Guiney did and doe amount to 400:li sterling
And their Cloathes Sea-Instruments and private adventures to the summe of
And their Cloathes Sea-Instruments and private adventures to the summe of
350:li sterling at the least, as this deponent both by the computation of his owners particular
350:li sterling at the least, as this deponent both by the computation of his owne particular
losse, and by a conscientious valuation of the respective losses of others of the same GUTTER
losse, and by a conscientious valuation of the respective losses of others of the [?same GUTTER]
shipps Companye was and is fully convinced and assured. And further hee cannot
shipps Companye was and is fully convinced and assured. And further hee cannot
To the 11th article hee saith, That in case the said Three hundred and thirteene GUTTER
To the 11th article hee saith, That in case the said Three hundred and thirteene
pipes of Canarie wynes had arrived in safety at and in this Port of London
pipes of Canarie wynes had arrived in safety at and in this Port of London
they would have yielded Thirtye pounds sterling per pipe cleare of all their GUTTER
they would have yielded Thirtye pounds sterling per pipe cleare of all [XXXX GUTTER]
charges, the sayd wÿnes being of the best and choycest Canarie wynes which the
charges, the sayd wÿnes being of the best and choycest Canarie wynes which the
season produced, and after that rate wynes of that nature did att and about the
season produced, and after that rate wynes of that nature did att and about the
Line 70: Line 67:
assured. And further cannot depose./
assured. And further cannot depose./
To the 12th article hee saith, That hee this deponent is well assured, That the said Mr GUTTER
To the 12th article hee saith, That hee this deponent is well assured, That the said
Robert Oxwicke and Companie by reason of the detention of theXX XX valew GUTTER
Robert Oxwicke and Companie by reason of the detention
of theXX said shipp and fraight and for want of the use thereof are very much
of their said shipp and fraight and for want of the use thereof are very much
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]

Latest revision as of 14:58, May 23, 2015

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HCA 13/71 f.325v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


shipp Endeavour if her ladeing had not consisted of wynes, as it did, for that, as hee
also then said to this deponent, they knewe the peace betweene france and England
was agreed upon, and that they had stayed severall daies at Rochell in expectation of
Letters of Marq or Reprizall against the English, but could not get any from the
king of ffrance in regard of the said peace agreed upon, or words to that or the
like effect. And further cannot depose/:./

To the 8th Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That shortly after the surprizall
of the said shipp and her ladeing by the french as afóresaid, the said french Officer
who was putt in and constituted Commander of the said shipp Endeavour, likewise
told and declared to this deponent, that the said french shipps under the Command
of the said de La Roche should have gone to Lisbone or to some other place in
Portugall there to have taken in their provision of wyne, but that they were
diverted by contrary winds and weather, and thereupon did expressely steere their
Course towards the Canarie Islands in expectation thereabouts undoubtedly to meete up with
shipps laden with wynes, the season of the yeare being then very proper and
convenient for such their designe, or words to that or the like effect: And
further hee cannot depose:-/

To the 9th hee saith That the said Captaine de la Roche and Companie presently
after the surprizall of the said shipp the Endeavour did take and plunder from this
deponent and the rest of the said shipps Companie all or most of their cloathes from
their backs, leaving many of them covered only with raggs which the said frenchmen
gave them in exchange and tooke away all their Sea instruments and their private
adventures utterly depriving them thereof, Which hee this deponent knoweth by [XXXX GUTTER]
experience being an Eyewittnesse and participant in the sufferings premised. And
further hee cannot depose:-/

To the 10th hee saith That the said shipp the Endeavour with her tackle and ffurniture
were at the time of her said surprizall really worth Two Thousand ffive
hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts in this deponents best judgment and estimate, shee
being a shipp of about eight score or 200. tunns, and about 4. or 5. yeares old, [XXXX GUTTER]
with sixteene peeces of Ordnance, and every way provided with very good and
sufficient tackle and ffurniture, And saith that the ffraight due for the voiage
which shee was taken as aforesaid did amount to about the summe of seaven hundred
eighty two pounds ten shillings according to the computation of 4li: 15s: sterling or
thereabouts per tunn as this deponent hath credibly heard and understood, and that the said
Companies wages at the rate of 50:li sterling per moneth for the space of eight
moneths from the time of their entring into the said shipps service till the time that this
deponent and others arrived in England from Guiney did and doe amount to 400:li sterling
And their Cloathes Sea-Instruments and private adventures to the summe of
350:li sterling at the least, as this deponent both by the computation of his owne particular
losse, and by a conscientious valuation of the respective losses of others of the [?same GUTTER]
shipps Companye was and is fully convinced and assured. And further hee cannot

To the 11th article hee saith, That in case the said Three hundred and thirteene
pipes of Canarie wynes had arrived in safety at and in this Port of London
they would have yielded Thirtye pounds sterling per pipe cleare of all [XXXX GUTTER]
charges, the sayd wÿnes being of the best and choycest Canarie wynes which the
season produced, and after that rate wynes of that nature did att and about the
time of the surprizall aforesaid were sould for here in London, as this deponent
by credible information of Merchants of quality hath since bin sufficiently
assured. And further cannot depose./

To the 12th article hee saith, That hee this deponent is well assured, That the said
Robert Oxwicke and Companie by reason of the detention
of their said shipp and fraight and for want of the use thereof are very much