HCA 13/71 f.325r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 325 |
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Janet Few | |
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Edited on 29/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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and thereupon the Master of the Endeavour namely the articulate Jope sent some of his
said shipps Companie on board the said La Roche his shipp, herewith the said La
Roche not being satisfied commanded the said Jope in person to come on board her, and
to bring his shipp-papers whereby to showe whether hee was bound, And the said Jope
accordingly went aboard, And thereupon the said La Roche caused about 24 or 25 of the
Companie of the said shipp Endeavour to be fetched out of her and distributed in to the said
French shipps, leaving only fower of the said shipp Endeavours Companie on board
her whereof this deponent was one, and putting about thirty frenchmen into her
and thence brought her and her lading to Guiney, and there at a place called Triviesco
and upon or about the first day of december 1655 last past the said frenchmen sett
this deponent and the said Master William Jope and twelve others of his Company ashoare
leaving them only one pipe of wyne and about one hundred weight of biskett for
their provision or sustenance, where they remained about fifteen weekes in very great
hazard of their lives by the Negroes or blacks there inhabitant,
before they could meet with any oportunity of transportation for England, And saith
That immediately after this deponent and the other 13. English were soe sett on
shoare by the said french, they sailed away with the said shipp Endeavour and lading and with
the rest of her Companie, which hee beleeveth they carried with them to the East Indies
The premises hee declareth and affirmeth to be true, this deponent being an eyewittnesse
of the same and participant and premised sufferings. And further cannot depose
To the 5th Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth that at such time
at the said shipp Endeavour and her said lading were surprized and taken by the
said La Roche and Companie, there were three other English shipps laden with
wynes bound from the Canaries for London, which were then in sight of the said
shipp Endeavour and of the said La Roche and Companie and this deponent asknig the
frenchman that was putt in Captaine or Commander of the said shipp Endeavour
why they had seized and taken her and her lading and did not meddle with the
said other three shipps, hee answered to this deponent that they the said french
shipps had noe Commission for what they did in the said seizure of the said shipp
Endeavour and lading, nor of any other English shipp or goods, but that they were
necessitated soe to doe for that they wanted a quantity of wyne for their shipps
provisions, they being bound for the redd Sea or Mallagasca, and further said
that their Owners who were rich able and sufficient men must as they beleeved
make restitution or give satisfaction for the said shipp and wynes or words to that
or the like effect: And further hee cannot depose:-/
To the 6th Article hee saith, that the said Frenchman who as aforesaid was putt in
Master or Captanie of the said shipp Endeavour did shortly after the said shipps surprizall
tell this deponent and others of the said shipps Companie that they would not land them on
the Christian shoare because they should carry any notice of their seizure into
England, nor what was become of the said shipp and lading, and that they could not
conveniently unlade the said wynes into their owne shipps, and that therefore they
had resolved to carry the said ship and lading along with them, and that their
Owners in france were able and sufficient enough to pay and make satisfaction both
for the said shipp Endeavour and her said lading, or words to that or the like effect And further cannot depose
To the 7th hee saith, That the French Officers or Commanders aforesaid shortly after the
surprizall of the said shipp Endeavour and lading further told this deponent
aboard the said shipp that they the said french shipps had mett with other English
shipps before their meeting with the said shipp Endeavour and that they had taken
one of them and dismissed her, and that they would not have medled with the