HCA 13/71 f.326r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.326r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


dammified over and besides their principall, which dammage hee beleeveth did and
Doeth amount to the summe or below of two hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts, and that
the said William Jope and Companie by the detention of their principall, as predeposed,
and over and besides the same were are and are dammnified to the summe or below of
two hundred pounds currant money of England. And further cannot depose:./

To the last article hee saith, That the arlate Richard Baker and Companie by
Reason of the losse of their said wynes and for want of the imployment of their
moneyes which the same would have yielded in case of safe arrivall at London have
suffered very great losses and dammage which this deponent in conscience beleeveth did
and doeth amount to two thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts over and besides their
principall. And further cannot depose:./

Repeated with his precontest before
doctor Godolphin./



The same day Examined upon the same allegation./ [CENTRE HEADING]


William Tustin at Rederiffe in the the County of Surrey
Mariner aged nineteen yeares of thereabouts a Witness
sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet:

To the first Article of the said allegation hee deposeth and saith, that hee this
deponent hath known the shipp the Endeavour arlate ever since her originall building
which was about five yeares since, and hath served in and aboard her five or 6 severall
voyages from this Port of London, by which meanes hee knoweth that the arlate
Robert Oxwicke Jacob and Gerlacke Mummia, Thomas Stone William
Jope and others all subject of this Commonwealth were and at this present are and
ought to bee the true lawfull and indubitable Owners and Proprietors of the said shipp
the Endeavour and of her tackle apparrell and furtniture, and for and as such generally
accompted reputed and taken. And further hee cannot depose:/

To the second hee saith, That in or aboard the moneth of October and November
1655. Last past the said shipp being upon a Merchants voyage at the Port of Oritava
being a Port of the Island of Teneriffe had there laden aboard her three hundred
pipes and upwards of Canarie wynes by one doctor Pew an Englishman and
others the Agents and ffactors of the arlate Richard Baker and and Companie all
English merchants and Subjects of this Commonwealth. and for their the said
Baker and Companies proper accompt, which wynes were soe laden and designed
to be in the said shipp transported to the Citie of London, and there to be discharged and
delivered to the said Baker and Companye or their Agents for their accompt: Which
the premisses hee this deponent knoweth for that hee was personally present and assistant
at and in the lading of the said wynes, and sawe his precontest John Bowers
Boatswaine of the said shipp enter the same into his booke, and by the constant relation
of the Master William Jope, whom this deponent then served, hee this deponent
was and is fully assured of the propriety of the said wynes as predeposed And
further hee cannot depose:/

To the third Article hee saith, that the said shipp the Endeavour after shee had
recieved such her lading of wynes on bord her and particularly upon the 17th
day of the moneth of November in the yeare of our Lord 1655 according to the
English or ould style sett sayle and deparated with her said lading from the said
Port of Teneriffe bound for London, and that being and preceeding in such her
Cause (sic) shee was upon the one and twentieth day of the said moneth mett with
and sett upon by fower french shipps whereof one Giles de La Roche was