Tools: E190/46/2 ff.10r-19v
E190/46/2 ff.10r-19v
Created 14/09/14, by CSG
This page is for the transcription of the London Port Book, E190/46/2.
This Port Book covers coastal traffic to and from the Port of London betwwen September 1657 and June 1658
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- Personal and place names are capitalised
- Ship names are capitalised and italicised
- Roman numerals are preserved
- Ampersand is expanded to "and"
- "qtr" is expanded to "quarters"
- "wtt" is expanded to "weight"
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[E190/46/2 ff.1r-9v]
[E190/46/2 ff.10r-19v]
Eodem xixth October 1657.
Edward of Feversham George Balden Master}
10 Daniel Judd ind xx Barrells of Gunpowder}
v hundred pelts and xxxx dozen of shovells Per}
Cert x October 1657}
Richard and Margrett of Whitstable William Ric{?X] Master}
11 Thomas Reynolds ind fourty quarters of wheat xv}
quarters of English flax seed x quarters of Oates Per}
Cert. xiiijth October 1657}
Speedwell of Milton Richard Sammon Master}
12 Thomas Cooper ind x quarters of wheat fourty quarters}
of meale and xvj Baggs of hopps containing}
xxxvj C weight. Per Cert. xvth of October 1657.}
Robert of Quinborough Richard Man Master}
13 Idem ind xx quarters of wheat and thirty quarters of Oates}
Per Cert xth October 1657}
Hopefull Mary of Ipswich Edward Jolly Master}
14 Timothy Tizack ind One pack quantity fifty vj Northern}
Cottons Per Cert xviijth September 1657.}
Neptune of Leigh Cornelius Patteysonne Master}
15 Thomas Greene ind xij quarters of Beanes Tenn}
quarters of Oates and seaven quarters of Wheat Per Cert.}
xiijth October 1657}
John and Suzan of Crokese a ferry John England Master}
16 Robert Reeve ind xxxx quarters of Oates. x quarters of}
wheat v quarters of Pease 5 quarters of seed Per Cert xijth}
October 1657}
October the xxth: 1657. [CENTRE HEADING]
Transport of London Robert Graves Master}
1 Idem ind one C. xxviij Chaldron of Coales}
Per Cert xijth September 1657}
Mary of Sandwich Richard Harris Master}
2 Idem ind xxiij Chaldron of Coales ij weyes of}
white salt vj sacks quantity One hundred weight of Sheepes}
wool and xx firkins of Butter Per Cert.}
iiijth of Septembeer. 1657.}
Eodem xxth October 1657.
Mary of Sandwich Richard Harris Master}
3 Jeffrey Wells ind xx quarters of wheat and one}
C and fifty quarters of Mault Per Cert xvth October 1657.}
Hopewell of Sandwich William Reynolds Master}
4 Richard Mosse ind xx quarters of wheat one C quarters}
of Mault viij quarters of Beanes Per Cert xvij October 1657}
Margrett of Southwold Edward Evered Master}
5 John Gold Ind ij C and lxvj firkins of Butter}
viij C and xxiiij Cheeses vj thousand and 1/2 of}
Fish ij Bedds and j Chest Per Cert xiijth October 1657.}
John and Margrett of Ipswich John Lambly Master senior Robert Greene Ind}
6 xvj firkins of Butter one Load of household}
goods, two tuns of English pottashes Per Cert xij October 1657}
Thomas of Hasting Thomas Hide Master}
7 Idem ind fourty Tunn of Tobackoe Pipe Clay}
Per Cert. xxviijth September 1657}
John of Whitstable William Carlton Master}
8 Edward Mills ind xxx quarters of wheat Per Cert}
xijth day of October 1657}
super Hull
Goodspeed of Hull Thomas Mold Master}
9 Thomas Barombrough ind lxix firkins of Butter}
Per Cert vjth October 1657}
October xxjth: 1657. [CENTRE HEADING]
Maidstone delight of Maidstone Robert Hall Master}
1 Edmund Colvill ind lxxx Baggs hopps one Tun}
of Spirits. five mands fruit, one Load householdstuffe}
one [?Dicker] Leather one bagg of Thread weight 8 ll}
ij hogsheads one Barrell old metall one barrell of}
returned sugar and j Barrell of Bees wax Per Cert}
xvijth October 1657.}
Thomas of Milton Edmund Smith Master}
2 Idem ind five quarters of wheate x quarters of meale
and xvj Baggs of Hopps quantity xxxvj C weight. Per Cert xvij October 1657
more one trusse of linnen Cloth returned xvj baggs}
of Hopps Per Ceert xix October 1657}
Swan of London John Absalom Master}
3 Idem ind xxiij Chaldron of Coales Per Cent. xvth September 1657}
Eodem xxjth. October 1657. [CENTRE HEADING]
Hope of Danzke Robert Danske Master}
4 Idem ind One C and twentie Chaldron of Coales}
Per Cert xjth September}
October xxijth 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]
William of Whitstable John Cockman Master}
1 William Gitmore ind xxxx quarters of wheat xxx}
quarters of Oates. x quarters of pease: x quarters of Barlie}
v quarters of tares Per cert: xiiijth October 1657.}
John of Poole John Bosell Master}
2 Idem ind xij Chaldron of Coales Per Cent.}
xxviijth of September 1657.}
October the xxiijth. 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]
Remembrance of Maidstone John Maynard master}
1 Widdow Grimesteed ind xxxiiij baggs of hopps}
iij ten Iron and one Load Tanns Per Cert. xxj October 1657}
Maiden Adventures of Newhide Edward Fetherston Master}
2 Edmund Colvitt ind fifty ij baggs iij ends of hopps}
and xxvij Load of Faggottd Per Cert xxj October 1657.}
October xxiiijth. 1657. [CENTRE HEADING]
Anne of Margate Adrian Moyse master}
1 david Austin Ind fifty quarters of Mault and tenn}
of Wheat Per Cert. xxjth October 1657}
Thomas of Rochester William King Master}
2 Richard Beckinsale ind xxvij quarters of wheate}
Per cert xxij of October 1657.}
Neptune of Leigh Thomas Jordaine Master}
3 Mathew Clift ind xiij weyes of Cheese Per}
Cert. xxjth of October 1657.}
October xxvjth 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]
Ellin of Feversham Thomas Balden Master}
1 Richard Lewin ind xv baggs of English wool}
xxxv C weight. one sack pease one bagg Garden
seed lx [?X] ofEnglish flax Per Cert. 23 October 1657}
Dorothy of Feversham Wiliam Iles Master}
2 John Keete ind vj sacks of English flox iij C weight}
xxx quarters of wheat vj quarters of pease Per Cert the
xxiijd October 1657}
Eodem xxvjth October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]
Charles of Dover Thomas kyle Master}
4 Mathew Gibbons ind x quarter. tares. xx quarters wheate}
xx quarters of Malt one load Browne paper iiij baggs of}
wool quantity xij C pounds weight. viij dozen of Calveskinns and}
halfe a load of household goods. Per Cent: xxth October 1657.}
Speedwell of Ipswich William Armor Master}
5 William Feast ind. xx firkins of Butter iij packetts}
Bedding j thousand oxe hornes halfe a Load housholdstuffe}
iiij barrells and xxxx bushells apples loose, also 1/2 a quarter}
Currance and ij parcells of Raisens returned Per Cert. xxth October 1657}
Tymothy of Maldon Jacob Peverill Master}
6 Thomas Burt ind xx quarters of wheat x quarters of Oates}
xiiij Mands of Apples and one old Copper Per Cert xvjth October 1657}
Speedwell of Sandwich William Wiles Master}
7 Edward Day ind lxxx quarters Mault Per Cert}
xxjth October 1657}
xxjth (sic) October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]
William and Sarah of Margate James Trapham <aster}
8 William Parker ind fourty quarters of wheate lxxx quarters of}
maut v quarters of Beanes Per Cert xxiijd October 1657.}
Marigold of Ipswich John Lamly Master}
9 iiij C lxxvj firkins of Buter xxij C Cheeses vij}
baggs of Flox iij C weight of Carriott seed half a Load}
hoouseholdstuffe iiij quarters of Pease Per cert xxth October 1657}
John and Elizabeth of London William Marshall Master}
10 James Quilter ind ij parcells quantity ij hundred weight}
of worsted and woollen yarne Per Cert. xxijth October 1657}
October xxvijth : 1657. [CENTRE HEADIMNG]
Eodem xxvijth October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]
October the xxix. 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]
October xxxth: 1657
Elizabeth of Sandwich Thomas Pinder Master}
1 Richard Callico ind xxx quarters of wheat ij C}
xx quarters of Mault and iiij quarters of Base Per Ceret}
xxijth October 1657.}
Anne of Feversham Richard [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Master}
2 James Franklyn ind lxxx quarters of wheat lx quarters of}
mault v quarters of Barly v quarters of Oates fourty dozen of}
tannd Calveskinns j Trunk of Apparrell.}
Fortune of Whitstable John Barker Master}
3 Richard Knowles ind xxv quarters of wheate and}
xv of Oates. Per Cert. xxth October 1657.}
John and Sarah of London John Gibbs Master}
4 James Buckold ind fifty Load of Timber and}
and Planks Per Cert: xvijth October 1657}
October xxxi 1657.
Elizabeth of Sandwich William Croux Master}
1 John Brooman ind xx quarters wheat xxxx quarters Beanes}
and pease j C quarters of mault v quarters of Oates and iij quarters of
Canaryseed Per Cert. xxviijth October 1657.}
Mary Anne of Sandwich John Broome Master}
2 John Do[?XX] ind x quarters wheat j C quarters Mault}
v quarters Beanes and iiij quarters Tares more j barr and a hogshead}
of Old Pewter Per Cert xxvjth October 1657.}
James Aloe of Stoake James Wells Master}
3 Roger Russell ind xx quarters of Meale xx quarters}
of Barly x quarters of wheate and xxxx quarters of Oates}
Per Cert. xvjth October 1657