Tools: 13/126: Index of Personal Answers
13/126: Index of Personal Answers
Listed in page order
See: Folder: 115_05
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[hide]January 1654
Robert Mordent and John Elliott, Jan 4th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8894]
Andrew [?XXXX], January 13th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8898]
Isaac Phillippes, January 18th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8900]
William James, January 16th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8902]
John Nayler, January 25th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8906]
Robert Mordent and John Elliott, January 25th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8909]
February 1654
Gregory Clements, February 9th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8910]
- ship the Discovery, formerly the Saint Jacob
Isaac Phillips, February 7th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8917]
James Garrett, February 15th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8923]
- response to allegation of Elizabeth Longsearch
- Makins hired to go as a seaman from London to New England and return
- to receive 26 s or 28 s per month
- Makins is dead; wages unpaid; due to Makins allegedly opening storage door during fight with Dutch and letting the enemy into his quarter without consent of ship's master
Nicholas West and John West, February 17th 1654
- response to allegation of Peter Vandeputt [IMG_115_05_8926]
John Tooker, Feburay 18th 1654
William James, February 20th 1654 [IMG_115_05_8937]
- response to allegation of James Drye
March 1654
Nathaniel Withers, March 8th 1654 [IMG_115_03_8954]
- rsponse to allegation of James Salmon and Company
- Salmon was master of the ship the True Dealinge
- Received lading of figgs near Alicante to be brought to London for account of Nathaniel Withers
- stayed too long and figgs were spoiled
Roger Homer, March 8th 1654 [IMG_115_03_8956]
- response to libel of William Jennings
- Jennings owned barrels of petwer and brass, which he laded on boad the ship the Angell
- Ship departed from London to LMallaga, arriving safely, and delivered the barrels to Jenning's factors
Isaac Tayler, March 8th 1654
- response to allegation of John Sotherton, and refers to a charterparty and schedule
- hiring and freighting of the ship the Abraham for Cadiz, arriving April 1652
- laded sherry and salt to be transported to Ireland
William Cockayne
- response to allegation of Maudlyn Curtis
- refers to Surrat in East Indies in 1649
John Golde [IMG_115_03_8967]
- response to allehgation of Richard Hill, John Hullett, John Gregorie and Company, March 20th 1654
April 1654
John Dellabar [IMG_115_03_8970]
- response to libel of Martis Nikell and others
Samuell Bathurst and Thomas Atkins, April 3rd 1654 [IMG_115_03_8975]
- response to a libel of Miles Dixon
William Cockaine, March 21st 1654 [IMG_115_03_8979]
- response to allegation of Mawdlyn Curtis
- refers to events in 1649 in East Indies
John Golde, March 22nd 1654 [IMG_115_03_8981]
- response to allegation of Richard Hill et al.
May 1654
Edward Noseworthy and William Tiddman, May 5th 1654 [IMG_115_03_8983]
- response to libel of Hambal Vivian
- Roger Vivian deceased, intestate
Henry Hoytman of Hamburgh [IMG_115_03_8985]
- response to allegation of John [?XX] and Company
- Ship the Hope
- Goods were laden at Rouen (prior to seizure) and belonged to person subjects of Hamburg who were resident at Rouen
- Most of goods are French, but some are of Italy and other places in amity with Comonwealth and were sent to Rouen "to be laden as there for Hamburgh for the account aforesayd"
- the persons in the schedule have lived at Hamburgh for above tenn yeares and are subjects of teh state of Hamburgh [schedule is not attached]
John Bland, April 12th 1654 [IMG_115_03_8991]
- response to allegation and schedule of Richard Waters, Jonas Waters, Robert Prim and others
- ship the Two Brothers
- lading of wyne, salt, oyle, olives, raisins and otehr commodities
- schedule of half pay paid out (in Spain, since mariners rebelled)
- "121 butts and noe more,,,and yett the said butts were tight and good as hee beleeveth and were iron bound, and the said extraordinary want of wynes was soe occasioned by the abuse of the said marriners, as hee beleeveth whoe did much disorder themselves with excessive drinking of the said wynes as hee beleeveth and would open the hould of the said shipe and pull of the iron plates that were on the bungs and take out the wyne as hee beleeveth; by which hee dod suffer damadge abateing the ordinary leakeage which iniron bound baske is seldome more then fowre or five pper cent; and in those which are not iron bound seldome above tenne per cent..."
Richard Rose
- reponse to allegation by William Maples, April 21st 1654 [IMG_115_03_8991]
- ship the Nicholas (Master: Robert Taylor)
- Robert Taylor died at Brazil about Jan 1645 and William Maples succeeded him as master
- See depositions of "Richard Rose late boatswaine of the Saint Nicholas aged 36 yeeres or thereabouts and Michael Taylor late purser of the same aged 25 yeeres, dated August 28th 1654 "On behalfe of the Company of the shipp Saint Nicholas of London Robert Taylor (and after William Maples) commander"[1]
John Kinge, April 28th 1654 [IMG_115_03_9000]
- response to libel of John Baptista Yonker
- Merimade ffrigott in immediate service of Commonwealth surprised the ship the Kinte coming from Holland (as hee beleeveth)
- claims (as proof of Dutch origins) that master of the Kinte gave hom "nyne Holland cheeses...foure West Phalia gamonns of case of barrel of butter...twenty five pound weight of bread"
Richard Child, May 2nd 1654 [IMG_115_03_9001]
- response to allegation of Humphrey Beane and Richard Batson
- "hee the said Child and the gunner did goe upon Adventure and if nothing were taken they were to have nothinge"
- "the voyadge was wholly left to the discretion of him the said Child to goe where he conceived was best fishinge and he did goe to bell sound when noe other shippe was there (that being accompted the best harbour) as he beleiveth and divers other shipps did come thither to him and he did not goe to them"
Georeg Blake, May 17th 1654
- response to libel of Edward Taylor
Daniell ffairefaxe, May 22nd 1654 [IMG_115_03_9008]
- response to allegation of William Jona
Ralph Stubbs, May 27th 1654 [IMG_115_03_9009]
- response to allegation of William Drackefford, William Standen and others
- ship the Scout
Alderman Richard Crandley and Job Throgmorton, May 30th 1654 [IMG_115_03_9010]
- response to libel of Hanniball Vivian
- Roger Vivian died August 1651
June 1654
July 1654
August 1654
December 1654
Lorenzo Paganoni, commander of the vessel the Madona de la Misericordia of Venice [HCA 13/126 IMG_115_03_9125]
- freighted by Edward Mico's agents to Zephalonia to lade currants and other goods top transport to London
- laded raisins and anniseeds
- master forced to sell some of lading to get cash for provisions and wages
James Wainewright, haberdasher and John Jeffryes,, grocer, December 9th 1654 [HCA 13/126 IMG_115_03_9127]
- response to allegation of Lord Protector
- Tobacco bought at Portsmouth
Samuel Mico, December 12th 1654 [HCA 13/126 IMG_115_03_9131]
- response to allegation of William ffudge and company
- the ship teh Ceasar
- goats wooll
- agreement to pay one freight and half a freight for voyages from Smtyrna to London due to Dutch war
Howard Mole, December 11th 1654 [HCA 13/126 IMG_115_03_9133]
- response to allegation of Samuel Lewes
Alderman John ffredericke and Henry Chowne, December 16th 1654 [HCA 13/126 IMG_115_03_9135]
- response to alleagtion of Gilbert Keate Thomas Jennings and others
Isaac Phillips
- response to allegation of William Smith and others, December 23rd 1654 [HCA 13/126 IMG_115_03_9146]
Thomas Lawson, December 29th 1654 [HCA 13/126 IMG_115_03_9495]
January 1655
Walter Cable, January 5th 1655 [HCA 13/126 IMG_115_03_9159]
- response to allegation of Michaell de Haze and Abraham Hamstock
- case of the Successe and the Dove and sinking