Transcription The Bill of Sale nowe by him brought…I [?Jethe] Tamas of London mariner…by Thomas Corbet ad Edwen Lloyd of London erchants…good ship or vessell caled the John of Amsterdam of the burthen of two hundred and sixty tonns or thereabouts now rding at anchor before Harwich whereof the said Jethe Thamas am master...June 1659

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A list of all pages that have property "Transcription" with value "The Bill of Sale nowe by him brought…I [?Jethe] Tamas of London mariner…by Thomas Corbet ad Edwen Lloyd of London erchants…good ship or vessell caled the John of Amsterdam of the burthen of two hundred and sixty tonns or thereabouts now rding at anchor before Harwich whereof the said Jethe Thamas am master...June 1659"


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