Spanish merchants in London

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Spanish merchants in London

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13/11/12: CSG, created page

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Dutch merchants in London and elsewhere
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Jewish merchants
Portuguese merchants in London
Swedish and Norwegian merchants

London based Spanish merchants trading with the Canaries

ffernandez Caravaihall using English and Dutch owned vessels to import wine to London from the Canaries

  • "19. effect and saith hee verily beleveeth that what the sayd don Christopher

20. told the sayd Wessells as touching his not reladeing of him was
21. truth, for that hee knoweth that at the same tyme a dutch shipp of
22. about one hundred tonnes which came alsoe to the sayd don Christopher
23. and expected XXX to be reladen by him was for want of effects to
24. performe the same discharged alsoe without ladeing as the sayd Wessells
25. XXXX shipp was which dutch shipp this deponent hath heard and beleeveeth
26. was also imployed upon Accompt of the sayd Antonio ffernandez and
27. company and bound for the same port of London"

- HCA 13/71 f.424r Case: Michaell de haze ffoppe Wessell and others Owners of the Sea ffortune against Antonio ffernandez Caravaihall and Roger Kil?eert ("Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Michaell de haze and Company"); Deposition: 1. Charles Chillingworth of London Merchant aged thirty fower yeares; Date: 25/11/1656[1]

Spanish language skills were sought out amongst mariners acting for ffernandez Caravaihall in London


Alonso de ffonseca Meza, servant of Mr ffernandez in London

Alonso de ffonseca Meza was a servant of Antonio ffernandez de Caravajall in London, and worked in his counting house. He deposed on behalf of Mr ffernandez in the matter of the purchase of the White fflower de Lunn. The ship had been purchased in the United Provinces in the name of XXX.

  • "6. .............................................The premisses hee

7. knoweth living in house with the said Mr ffernandez, and writing
8. and doing businesse in his counting house, and seeing the foresaid
9. lettres and hee is particularly acquainted with what ever els is above
10. deposed
11. Alonso de ffonseca Meza SIGNATURE, RH SIDE"

- HCA 13/71 f.59r Case: On behalfe of Mr ffernandez touching the White fflower de Lun; Deposition: Alonzo de Fonseca Meza of London Merchant aged 22 (Signature of "Alonso de ffonseca Meza" at end of deposition) ; Date: XXXX. Transcribed by Colin Greenstreet[2]

Canary based correspondents of Spanish merchants in London

don Christopher de Alvarada de Brachamonte, Canary based correspondent of ffernandez Caravaihall

  • "14. And hee the deponent having perused and read the letter in the sayd

15. sixth article mentioned, and very well acquainted with the hand
16. writing of the sayd don Christopher and having had very much
17. correspondence with him is verily persuaded in his conscience
18. and doth beleeve that the same is all of it the proper handwriting
19. of the arlate don Christopher de Alvarada de Brachamonte
20. And saith the sayd don Christopher is the factor or agent of
21. the sayd ffernandez and Company And further cannot depose/"

- HCA 13/71 f.424r Case: Michaell de haze ffoppe ?Wessell and others Owners of the Sea ffortune against Antonio ffernandez Caravaihall and Roger Kil?eert ("Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Michaell de haze and Company"); Deposition: 1. Charles Chillingworth of London Merchant aged thirty fower yeares; Date: 25/11/1656[3]

London based Spanish merchants trading with Hamburg

The complexity of nationality, residence and trading relations is revealed in the testimony of the forty-five year old Madrid born Simon da Casseres, who had lived in Hamburg, and briefly in Barbados, before moving to London. he was testifying to his good knowledge of Manuel Derrickson, who was resident in Hamburgh, but whom da Casseres described as Portuguese by birth.

  • "12. Simon da Casseres of London Merchant, aged

13. 45 yeares or thereabouts sworne and exámined
14. To the sixth article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee
15. well knoweth the producent Manuel Derrickson, and hath soe donne for
16. these twenty yeares last past and upwards this deponent having for
17. the most part of that space lived in hamborough, where hee saith the
18. said Manuel hath for all the said time dwelt, and kept house there, being
19. there married, and was and is a merchant of good accompt, and
20. an inhabitant and subiect of the free state of hamborough, and for such
21. commonly accompted, which hee knoweth being well and familiarly acquainted
22. with him and having bin there very often in his house and had dealing
23. with him in the way of Merchandize. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
24. Upon the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent.
26. To the Interrogatories CENTRE HEADING
27. To the first hee saith that hee this deponent was borne at Madrid in Spaine
28. and hath for the last seven yeares dwelt in hamberough, till lately that
29. hee came to London, and saving a little space of that time that he was at
30. the Barbada's, and otherwise negatively.
31. To the second hee saith the said Manuel derickson as hee taketh it is a
32. Portuguese by birth, and otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition."

- HCA 13/71 f.56v Case: The claime of Manuell Derrickson of Hamburgh for his goods in the Hare in the ffeilds (John XXX Master) ("The claime of the said Manuel Derrickson in the Hare in the ffeilds"; Deposition: 2. Simon da Casseres of London Merchant, aged 45 (Signature of "Simon de Casseres" at end of deposition); Date: XXXX. Transcribed by Karen Gunnell[4]
  1. Jump up HCA 13/71 f.424r
  2. Jump up HCA 13/71 f.59r
  3. Jump up HCA 13/71 f.424v
  4. Jump up HCA 13/71 f.56v