MRP: Thomas White senior will
Thomas White senior will
PROB 11/147 Clarke 103-147 Will of Thomas White, Haberdasher of Stratford Langthorne, Essex 11 November 1625
Editorial history
01/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
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Thomas White senior was the father of Sir Stephen White. He apprenticed his son with Peter Hasssard, fishmonger.
Suggested links
See Nathan Wright will (Nathaniell Wright is mentioned as "loveing friend" in Thomas White senior's will)
See Sir Stephen White will (son of Thomas White senior)
See Peter Hassard will (master of Thomas White senior's son, Stephen)
See Thomas White junior will (possible grandson or other relative of Thomas White senior; a merchant of Oporto, Portugal; a kinsman of Sir Stephen White)
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I THOMAS WHITE of Stratford Langthorne late Cittizen and Haberdasher of London beinge at this pnte in perfect health of body and doe acknowledge God greats mercys in contynduinge (sic) the same unto mee in this contagious tyme of Gods heavie hand uppon this Land Not knoweinge howe soone the Lorde maye take me oute of this transitorie Worlde doe while lyfe healthe and memorie is lent unto me make this my last Will and Testament
FFIRST I give and bequeathe my Soule into the hands of my good God beleivinge stedfastly throughe Jesus Christe the pardon of my Synnes and to have my person w:th the Saints in glorye when these feawe dayes shalbe accomplished My body to be buryed in the Chwerch yearde where God shall please to call for me w:ch is very uncertaine as all other outwarde things allwayes are whrein my Will is that there be but ffiftie pounds only layed oute uppon all charge for my ffunerall Whereof my Will is ffourty five poore menn have given them Sixe shillings eighte pence a peece The Clerke and Sexton of the pishe to be of the number And ffower pounds to be given in Bread or money to the poore ffower pence a peece And ffourty shillings to be given to those w:ch shall carrye my body to the Earthe yf God take me awaye by this ?Visitacon whiche God of his mercy ?prepare me for, The rest to be at the discrecon of my Executors
2. ITEM I give and bequeath to Anne White my wife the Somme of eighte hundred pounds of lawfull mony of England w:th all my howshould and Plate (excepte one silver and guilte Salte w:ch I give & bequeathe as follweth and excepte one Bedstoole w:ch standeth in the greate Chamber over the Parlo:r w:ch I doe give and bequeath as followeth Alsoe I give my Wief (sic) the Lease of the Woolsack w:ch is yett remayninge to come Of w:ch Some ffower yeares are past already There payenge the yearlie Rent of Nynteene pounds p annm to M:r Thomas Bowe (or Bows) of his assignes All w:ch monye howshould and Plate my Will is and doe praye her to accepte of the same in full of her Righte and Interest w:ch shee maye clayme either by virtue of the Priviledge of the Cittie of London orels by and other Reason propounded as clayminge a greater porcon wherein I give (w:th as much equitie as I could) provided for her welfare and for the welfare of the children w:ch God of his mercy hathe given us w:ch are at present to be provided for Allwayes takinge notice and my Will is shee enioye the Rent at ?Brantam dureinge her naturall liefe
3. I give and bequeathe to my Sonne John White the Some of ffower hundred pounds of Lawfull monye of England To be payd to the sayd John White at the age of Twenty one yeares (yf he shalbe then alyve) Otherwise my Will is that the says Somme be equallye devided amonge soe manye of my Children as shalbe then livinge only I bequeathe oute of the sayd Somme Tenn pounds to my Cosyn Anne White daughter to my brother ??Tom White and Tenn poundes to my sister Anne XXXXXXX ?widow and Tenn pounds to my sister Margarett Eyer her daughter and Twenty poundes to my wife Anne White to dispose thereof at her pleasure
4. ITEM I give and bequeath to my eldest daughter Anne White the Somme of ffower hundred pounds of lawfull mony of
England to be payde to my sayd daughter at the age of Twenty one yeares yf shee be then lyvinge or at the daye of her marriage w:ch shall firste happen provided shee marrye w:th the consent of her mother and my executors. Alsoe I give & bequeathe unto my sayd daughter one ?ffeilebodster w:th all the furniture belonge unto yt w:th the Beddinge and Redd Ruggs as it standeth in the greate darnix Chamber in Stradford Langthorne over the Parlor
5. I give & bequeathe to my daughter Sarah White the Somme of ffower hundreth poundes of lawfull monye of England due to be payd to the sayd Sarah at the age of Twenty one yeares or at the day of her marriage w:ch shall firste happen Provided shee marrye not without consent of her mother and my Executor
6. I give & bequeath to Thomas White my sonne the Somme of ffower hundred and ffiftye poundes of lawfull monye of England To be payde to the sayd Thomas White at the age of Twenty one yeares yf he shalbe then lyveinge
7. ITEM I give and bequeathe to my eldest sonne Steven White the Somme of ffower hundred poundes of lawfull monye of England To be payde to the sayd Stephen at the age of Twenty one yeares yf he shalbe then lyveinge Alsoe I give unto my sayd sonne Steven White one Halfe of pcell guilte wighing some eighteene ounces Alsoe I give and bequeath to my sayd sonne Steven White my halfe pte of the little Susan nowe gone in a voyadge for Legorne in the Straights (whereof is Master M:r W:m ?Person The w:ch halfe of the shippe w:th all the proffitts shall aryse as alsoe what adventure I had in the says Susan in company w:th M:r John Lamott my Will & mynde is shalbe to the only use and benefitt of my sayd sonne The charges of the Voyage w:ch shall hereafter aryse being deducted Alsoe I bequeath to my sayd Sonne Steven White the Lease of the Woolsacke in Lumbardstreete w:ch doth begynne after the expiration of the Lease my wief is to enioye Alsoe Sixty poundes I payde M:r Nathaniell Wright w:ch yf he dothe not take my sonne on the Twenty eigthe of September next and give him ymploym:t in fforreyne pts my Will is my sayd Sonne shall receive the syd Sixty pounds to his owne pop use
9. ITEM my will and mynde is yf any of my children shall departe this naturall lyfe before they come to the age of Twenty one yeares that soe many of them as shall remayne shall have and enioye the porcons of the deceased (exceptinge ffiftie poundes owte of eache deceased his or theire porcons) XXXXXX my Will is shalbe payde to my brother William White or his heires the Somme of Tenn pounds and Tenn pounds to my sister Anne ??Xacksons xhxxxxx yf they be alive And Tenn poundes to my sister Margrett Eyres or to her Childe yf either be liveinge. AndTwenty pounds to my Wief yf shee shalbe then alyve to dispose thereof at hir pleasure
9. (sic) ITEM I give and bequeath to my brother W:m White of Colchester the somme of ffourty pounds of lawfull monye of England To be payde to him or his Executors w:thin one yeare after my departure oute of this reall lief
10. ITEM I give and bequeathe to my sister Margrett Eyre the Somme of Thirty poundes of lawfull monye of England due to be payde into the handes of my Cosen Thomas Branston of ?Eastberhout and payde her by my Executor Steven White ffower pounds per ann duringe her naturall lyfe And after her decease to paye Tenn poundes to such Children as shall remayne of her Body then alyve All w:ch I leave to the discrecon of my Cosen Branston and Uncle Branston
11. ITEM I give to my cosyn Thomas??Iackson (?jackson?) to be payde him at the age of Twenty one yeares yf he be then lyvinge Tenn poundes
12. ITEM I give and bequeath to Jane ?jackson all the Lynnen, Pewter, and XXXX w:ch is in XXXX ffor w:ch I payd to the Landlord of my brother XXXXXXX ?Jackson Tenn poundes and have a Bill of sale made to me for the same
13. ITEM I give and bequeathe tp M:r Xhente my Pastor the Somme of ffive poundes of lawfull monye of England I give to XXXX M:r Culverdwell the somme of Twenty twoe XXXX in XXXXX for a smalle rememberance of my love Alsoe to M:r ?Lamport Twenty twoe shillinges in XXXX Alsoe to M:r Sedgwick Twenty twoe shillings Alsoe to M:r ??Brongh Twenty twoe shillings Alsoe to M:r Richard ??Onlserdwell Twenty twoe shillings Alsoe to M:r Joyner for his sonne at Cambridge ffourty fower shillings To M:rs Hudson ffowrtye shillings To M:r Shute M:r Halbroke and M:r ?lamport Tenn poundes To be given them by Tenn shillings a peece whereof XXXXX BoXX to have Tern shillings & Cosyn Rebecca Maye of Sandwich to have
Ffourtye shillings w:ch is ffower shares
14. ITEM I give to be distributed at the discretion of M:r Wilson and twoe Aldermen whomehe shall chuse the some of Tenn poundes To the poore of ?Suburye to be given Six shillings eighte pence to Thirty persons
ITEM I give to the poore of Stradford Langthorne ffourty shillings at the discretion of M:r Holbrooke the Lecturer there. I give to the poore of S:t Mary Woolnoth in Lumberstreete the Somme of fforty shillingsI give and bequeath toM:r Holbrooke Lecturerat Ham Church the Somme of Three pounds six shillings eight pence.
15 I give to my ffather John Steven for a rememberance ffourty shillings to buy him a Ringe Alsoe to my Mother Steven Twenty shillings to buy her a Ringe 16. Alsoe I give and bequeath to poore Christians Tenn pounds to be dsitributed at the discretion of my ffather Steven, my uncle ?Ringold and my brother William White
17. ITEM I give and bequeath to my loveinge ffrends M:r George Thorowgood and M:rs Thorowgood his wief the Somme of ffive pounds to buye eache of them a Ringe for a Rememberance of their love
ITEM I give and bequeathe to my heayde servant and keeper Twenty shillings a peece And to my servante Theodor Hayfield ffive pound provided he staye w:th my wief one yeare after my decease
ITEM I give to M:r W:m Person the somme of fforty shillings for a rememberance
ITEM I give to M:r George Stayns fforty shillings for a rememberance for his care and paynes in the managinge of my busyness at ??Roane the somme of Twenty pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Uncle?Richold for a Remembrance the somme of fforty shillings to buye him a Ringe
ITEM I make and appoynte for my Executors my true and very good ffrend M:r John Lamott of London Merchant & Steven White my sonne nowe resident in Roane in Normandy And I give and bequeath to M:r John Lamott in full satisffaccon for his paynes the somme of Twenty pounds of lawfull monye of England Prayenge my good Executors to see my Will executed in every pte thereof my debts beinge firste discharged w:ch I doe owe to divers menn Of w:ch (for present) here is a smalle remembrance made of them
ITEM Idoe appoynte my loveing ffriends M:r George Thorowgood M:r Nathaniell Wright and M:r Edward Sams and my ffather John Stevens to be my overseers and doe give to either of them for a Remembrance the somme of Thirty three shillings fower pence a peece.
ITEM my Will is that there be given to Shoreditch, and to Whitechappell and to S:t Mary Overys in Southwark, and to S:t ?Pulchrees, w:thOute Newgate, ffive shillings a weeke to eache Parishe for the space of Twelve weekes next after my being buryed in the Earthe w:ch is to the Summe of Twelve pouns Whiche money shalbe distributed by appoyntm:t at at the discrecon of my Executor M:r John Lamott and my overseers
ITEM my Will is that what my estate shall amounte unto over and above (my debts firste payde and my Legacies sett a parte) my Will and mynde is that my sonne Stephen White to have one halfe thereof equally devided And this I praye my Wief to accepte of oute of my love and desyre & requyre of her to use all good meanes to trayne them up in gods feare and by good educacon to have them fitted for what God shall call them unto. And doe require and charge them that they carrye themselves dutifullye unto theire mother all the dayes of her aboade here in this ??Pale of miserie And while I doe live I will dayly praye for you all that yowe maybe ?founde (or formede) in the holye feare of oure God
?Written w:th my owne hand this present fowrthe of August 1625 per me
PROBATUM FUIT TESTUM SUPRASCRIPT apud London coram Magro Thoma Langley ?Olivo Surrogato venerabilis XXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Stephen White filij xxxx
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/147 Clarke 103-147 Will of Thomas White, Haberdasher of Stratford Langthorne, Essex 11 November 1625