MRP: Sir James Oxinden to Henry Oxinden (of Barham, nephew): Letter 6
Sir James Oxinden to Henry Oxinden (of Barham, nephew): Letter 6
Editorial history
16/12/11, CSG: Restructured page
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(MS: 27,999, f. 224)
Printed as Letter XCIII in D.E. Gardiner (1933: 111-112)
You shall finde me very carefull for my neece Katherine's good; if he[1] shall come hither I shall tell him that a business of this nature is first to be treate of by frends, and that if his father will give way to it, he shalbe welcome to me, and by that I shall finde weather the younger man deales really, which as occasion serves I will no fail to acquaynt you and my sister. Doubt not but my wife and I will so handle the matter that I hope your sister shall receyve noe prejudice heere, for before I speake with his father I will beleive nothinge, nor suffer any communication betweene them. So in hast, with my best respects to you both
I rest
Your loving uncle
14 March 1635
- Jump up ↑ "He" refers to Katherine's suitor, Thomas Barrow of Cheapside