MRP: Sir James Oxenden (senior) will
Sir James Oxenden (senior) will^
PROB 11/286 Pell 1-49 Will of Sir James Oxenden 26 January 1659
Editorial history
15/12/11, CSG: Restructured page
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Suggested links
See biographical profile of Margaret Oxenden (wife of Sir James Oxenden)
See biographical profile of Elizabeth Dallison (daughter of Sir James Oxenden)
See biographical profile of Sir Henry Oxenden (eldest son of Sir James Oxenden)
See biographical profile of Sir George Oxenden (son of Sir James Oxenden
To do
SIR JAMES OXENDEN HIS WILL AND Testament September the three and twentieth in the yeare of our lord god one thousand six hundred fifty and seaven at Deane in the parish of Wingham in Kent S:r James Oxenden Knight being then and there sicke in body but of an understandinge minde was asked concerninge his estate and whom hee would make his executor and hee said I declare my sonne Henry Oxenden my executor And I give my wife all in this Chambre being then in his lodgeing Chambr and the linnen in my chest and my watch in the presence of us Anna Master Richard Meredith Ja: Master September the ffoure and twentieth at Deane aforesaid in the yeare one thousand six hundred and fifty and seaven in the morneing hee the said S.r James continueinge sicke in body but of an understandeing mynde said I give my daughter Dallison one hundred pounds which I appoint my executor to pay and being asked when hee should pay it answered within six months and being asked by his Lady whether shee should have and dispose the money as proceed thereof hee sent with theire sonne Christopher into the Indies answered yes and the same being said to him againe answered yes. In the presence of us. Anna Master Ja: Master.
THIS WILL was proved at LONDON The six and twentieth day of Januarie in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred ffytie and eight before the Judges for probate of wills and granting administrations Lawfully authorized by the oath of Henry Oxenden the sonne and sole executor To whome administration was commytted hee being ffirst sworne by commission truely to administer